Continuing the dump from ShareBlue (CorrectTheRecord) Data Dump/OSINT - Part One
One of the points we make in Information War is to understand the bias of the information that you are analyzing. A second point is that we should try to recognize and expose organized sources of disinformation.
One of the biggest sources of disinfo on the net is ShareBlue, a open source network of Leftist talking point distribution.
Reminder: the basis for this post is from the /pol thread, What is ShareBlue? CTR?
Money Quote! If Shareblue's political opinions were so valid then why do they have to pay people to spread them?
However, Part Two will rely less on that thread.
A little more on Brock
ShareBlue is simply a front for Media Matters, and uses the same methods:
David Brock’s Media Matters for America appears to be granting hundreds of thousands of dollars in charitable funds to political groups that are trying to impeach the president and unseat Republicans across the nation.
Brock’s Media Matters for America is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization that has tax-exempt status. That tax-exempt status comes with an important caveat: the non-profit is barred from participating in political activity–funding or otherwise–that is in support or opposition to a candidate for office.
Even Leftist publications like The Nation admit to Brock's illegal tactics. From The Poisonous Politics of David Brock
Brock’s empire, including Media Matters, American Bridge, ShareBlue, and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, served as a hit squad for the Clinton campaign last year.
...good government groups also criticized Brock’s Correct the Record for trampling federal restrictions on campaign spending
Finally, we have to look at projection as a basis for Brock's choices of tactics. The constant and dishonest accusations of racism have a source in Brock's own thoughts.
Return the Focus back to ShareBlue and it's Information War tactics
@valued-customer made a good point on Part One of this dump...
I eschew bilious drivel due to it's soul-etching effect
Here is one method that these front groups (ShareBlue, etc) use to throw chaff into open political discussion
Another ShareBlue/CTR tactic is personal attacks on UnGoodSpeakers...
Correct the Record’s “Barrier Breakers” project boasts in a press release that it has already “addressed more than 5,000 people that have personally attacked Hillary Clinton on Twitter.”
“This explains why my inbox turned to cancer on Tuesday,” wrote user OKarizee. “Been a member of reddit for almost 4 years and never experienced anything like it. In fact, in all my years on the internet I’ve never experienced anything like it.”
Hillary PAC Spends $1 Million to ‘Correct’ Commenters on Reddit and Facebook
FEC loopholes mean Correct the Record can openly coordinate with Clinton’s campaign.
And when disinfo and personal attacks don't work, Brock's propaganda network seeks to shut down ANY open discussion
Leaked Docs: Brock Conspires with Facebook, Google to Shut Down Conservative Media
Radical left launches scorched earth policy against free speech
Brock leaves no doubt that Google and Facebook are his co-conspirators in advancing the “Fake News” meme
“Toxic alt-right social media-fueled harassment campaigns that silence dissent and poison our national discourse will be punished and halted.” (Bold type in the original document)
Where does ShareBlue get 13 million dollars from?
Know Your Meme discusses CTR's finances along with their methods
By late July, the nonprofit political finance watchdog group[4] reported that Correct the Record’s budget had increased to $6 million.
In a batch of Democratic National Committee emails leaked by Wikileaks[5] on July 22nd, 2016, a message sent by DNC staffer Jeremy Brinster confirmed that a “Super PAC” was “paying young voters to push back online on Sanders supporters.”
The big donor money and dishonest approach to political debate go hand in hand.
Leftists realized that they have no grass roots support in America out side of those who collect government (i.e, taxpayer funded) checks.
Mr. Trump... benefited from an army of amateur creators who flooded social media with pro-Trump messages.
nearly two-thirds of the most popular election tweets were either anti-Clinton or pro-Trump.
In other words, not paid.
So what did they do?
They created an Army of “Nerd Virgins” Has Hillary’s Back
But Wait...
That article was written in 2014, BEFORE the Queen of Corruption lost the election, and BEFORE Trump had even started his own campaign
David Brock, the well-known Democratic operative, announced last year that he was raising $40 million to support a network of left-wing organizations
The New York Times would have you believe these front groups of paid political liars are a response to the trouncing of leftist ideals in the public arena. In NON fake news, these smear merchants have been part of the leftist/globalist/Deep State apparatus for many years.
This pretty much answers the 4chan commentator above...
If Shareblue's political opinions were so valid then why do they have to pay people to spread them?