Taking Suggestions for the Next Information War Post : Winning the Information War for America's Police

I'm dragging my tail today; got over a cold yesterday, but not really motivated to do much posting.

I have put a lot of thought into my my next post How To Be An InformationWar Activist - Part 12: Winning the Information War for America's Police, but sitting here I am blanking out trying to put it together.

So what I am going to do is to open the floor to comments BEFORE doing the post, and hope it gets my brain moving; the comments that add value will be added to my post, with due credit to the Steemers who share them with me.

So far, here are my basic thoughts on the subject, in no organized fashion:

  • The basic obligation of the police officer is to defend the Constitution; this is in every oath across the nation
  • An oath does not mean a lightning bolt strikes down those who violate it; it means the person taking it knows what they are getting into.
  • Two groups are going to be over-represented in the police population: people that give a fuck, and rent-seekers (power-seekers, corruptocrats, etc)
  • Basic politics means that rent-seekers are going to subvert the process for their own ends (both as policemen and as politicians)
  • Police are only human, and subject to the same weaknesses that we all are
  • It is in the short term interest of most police to abide by the status quo
  • It is contrary to the long term interest of policemen to tolerate the staus quo
  • Since our educational processes have been subverted by the Political Class (at whatever balance of the leftist/globalist/corruptocrat mixture you set it), many policemen do not understand their purpose in the system
  • The War on Drugs is counter to Constitutional direction; however, understand that there is logical argument for it's existence beyond rent-seeking; the fact that it violates many of our basic values of morality does not mean that those police that support the War on Drugs are just corruptocrats in nature. What it does mean is that those police that are sincere in supporting it choose security over liberty in that moral decision.
  • In order to win policemen to a Constitutionally centered viewpoint, it is necessary to win an Information War centered on their community.
  • The first component of this Information War is helping policemen understand their Constitutional duty as a community; many individual policemen already understand this!
  • The second component of this Information War is helping policemen see that it is in their self-interest to defend the Constitution.
  • The third component of this Information War is demonstrating to police that the Political Class treats them as an enemy already; this is the War on Cops you may have heard about
  • The day that America's policemen see their duty and self-interest clearly as a community is the day that the Deep State, and the leftist traitors get rolled up across the nation; this is the end goal of the Winning the Information War for America's Police
  • Calling policemen thugs, especially in regard to the War of Drugs, is counter to winning the war...just in the same manner that calling people "sheeple" is counter to winning people to libertarian/minarchist/anarchist viewpoints.

I'll be sharing some facebook groups, twitter pages, and other police-oriented social media pages, for those of you willing to engage in this Information War

I'm already derping out on something else I was going to add to the post

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