The memo will be realesed, but how soon? FISA abuse and DOJ collusion


Looks like Twitter making the releasethememo tag go down the memory hole didn't stop the demand for open discussion on the subject of FISA abuse go away, after all.


Congress concluded their investigation into the illegal surveillance of Trump's campaign and there is a 4 page memo summarizing their findings complete with sources and docs from DoJ, DHS, NSA, etc. The memo was supposed to remain classified within the House Select Committee on Intelligence, headed by Devin Nunes, but they voted along a straight party line vote to release it to House at large. The memo is so sensitive that they are only letting them read it inside a secure room...the democong are refusing to read it out of solidarity with the democong on the Committee that voted against releasing it to the House. Republicans that have read it all say it is worse than Watergate, several congressmen have said it will likely be the end of the Mueller probe and will result in firings at the DoJ, Rosenstein (who made a visit to Ryan's office asking that it not be released) was named by some of the people who have gotten to read it. Right now there is a push for the memo to be declassified and released to the public. The democong, along with their social media allies, are stonewalling.

According to Fox News contributor Sara Carter, the contents of the memo are so “explosive,” that it could end special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe. Additionally, the memo’s release could lead to the prosecution of top FBI and Justice Department officials, says Carter.
BREAKING: House Intel Committee Officially Begins Process To ReleaseTheMemo

I am seeing a LOT of weasel language here; "plans to begin", "19 PLUS" days, "may take up to"...

STAY ON their asses!

Don't let up! I posted yesterday about The mechanics of releasing the memo...
This post includes the names, phone numbers, and witter accounts of the Committee members! Let's get the memo OUT THERE!

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