The genesis...
of this post started from a discussion on Ace of Spades, It's Much Worse Than We Feared, which in turn was based upon this tweet:
- ThomasWictor
I'll highlight some of the follwing from the tweets that followed:
(2) Under Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, the Department of Justice pushed the states to pass new laws.
(3) The goal was to make it impossible to hold repeat offenders in jail before trial. Why?
(5) The first step was to reclassify violent felonies as nonviolent misdemeanors. Look at California.
(9) Therefore prisoners convicted of violent elder abuse were released because now their former violent felony was a misdemeanor.
(10) So the Democrats first changed violent felonies to misdemeanors. Then they changed the laws for bail.
(11) Washington DC Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier resigned because criminals were being arrested, released, and arrested again the same day.
(14) The crime rate spiked dramatically. The Democrats are pushing for "community rehabilitation programs" instead of prison.
(17) They point to the "success" of New Jersey, which eliminated bail earlier this year.
(21) Releasing everybody has so far cost New Jersey $400 million, and the crime rate is skyrocketing.
(27) The Chapmans said that the Democratic party has made it a priority in 2017 to pass laws that make holding anyone in jail impossible.
(30) The end result of Democratic "reform" is that criminals now commit crimes with impunity, and people are too afraid to call the cops.
(31) There are no penalties for threatening witnesses and skipping your trial. Nobody comes looking for you.
(32) And if you get arrested, they immediately release you.
Let's look at these claims
Is crime rising?
The news media is constantly claiming that the crime rate is near an all time low...
however, they are comparing today's crime rate to the crime rate of the early 90's, before Three Strike Laws and increased amounts of police manpower on the street!
What happens when we look the the current trend in crime rates?
It’s important to note, however, that the FBI reported a 3% increase in the violent crime rate between 2014 and 2015, including a 10% increase in the murder rate. (The BJS figures show a stable violent crime rate between 2014 and 2015, but they do not count murders.) Some experts have projected that the 2016 FBI data will show another increase in the violent crime rate
And it appears that there is a decrease in property crime at the same time there is this increase in violent crime that the media attempts to hide with false comparisons.
There are a variety of reasons why crime might not be reported, including a feeling that police “would not or could not do anything to help” or that the crime is “a personal issue or too trivial to report,” according to BJS.
I constantly write that critical thinking is necessary when we as citizens think about policy and it's results. The dishonest representation of facts (Information War) by those in the Democratic Party camp makes this all the more necessary when it comes to our safety.
It’s unfortunate that an objective analysis of crime in America has become a political issue with major newspapers and some criminologists insisting that violent crime is not increasing while additional media outlets and criminologists insist that it is.
Cities...Democratically controlled surges in violent crime:
4 major US cities are seeing a surge in homicides
It's not JUST American criminals that are being set upon the citizen
from a Congressional Research Service report to the House Judiciary Committee (2012)
The data provided to the House Judiciary Committee by DHS includes 276,412 records of charges
against illegal and criminal immigrants identified by Secure Communities between October 27,
2008 and July 31, 2011. There are 159,286 unique individuals in the database and 205,101 unique
arrest incidents.
Of those released, CRS found that about 17% of illegal and criminal immigrants, or 26,412, were
rearrested on criminal charges within three years of release. These 26,412 recidivists accounted
for a total of 42,827 arrests and 57,763 alleged violations.
The categories of crimes charged include nearly 8,500 DUI (14.6%), over 6,000 Drug Violations
(10.9%), more than 4,000 Major Criminal Offenses (7.1%), which includes murder, assault,
battery, rape, and kidnapping, nearly 3,000 Theft (4-9%), and over 1,000 Other Violent Crimes
(2.1%), which includes carjacking, child cruelty, child molestation, domestic abuse, lynching,
stalking, and torture.
DHS estimates a “high” rate of criminality of 7.89% from illegal aliens. Necaise (Effects of Illegal Immigration Upon Crime In the United States, 2013) compares these rates with the rate of criminality for citizens:
7.89% high and 6.4% low, were compared to the overall rate of criminality of those in the United States of 3.7765% during
this same time period as reported in the Uniform Criminal Reporting Statistics (UCR)
And who is bound and determined to bring in as many illegal aliens as possible?
The Congressional Digest (The Congressional Digest. (2015). Legality of Obama’s Immigration Initiatives (p. 7). Retrieved from suggests that the Obama Administration's
nonenforcement policy represents an abdication of the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) statutory responsibilities to enforce Federal immigration law.
In non-weasal words...illegal.
The Federation of American Immigration Reform concurs:
President Obama’s Record of Dismantling Immigration Enforcement
Who were the Streltsy?
These were raiders sent out by Ivan the Terrible, at times in terror attacks against civilians. They oft posed as bandits and their purpose was to cause fear in the populace who then looked to Ivan to provide security.
Is this what the Democrats are doing to America by sending criminals against us?
What other Democratic Party causes are served by setting the violent upon us?
- Divide Americans by race (Frankfurt school/identity politics/cultural Marxism)
- Nihilism
- Destruction of the middle-class
- Revenge and hatred against the middle-class