The title is more than oversimplified...what I'm going to do here is to try and identify some of the intertwined threads of deep state corruption that are being highlighted in the Russian Trump story, and that should be coming out before the end of March. Hopefully...
Remember, these are just threads of the puzzle that directly tie in with the Mueller/Trump battle that is coming to a head; well most of them. I added two peripheral issues. There are a host of other questions and conspiracy issues regarding Deep State activity and corruption that don't tie in to this central puzzle (other than them trying to keep it all under cover).
The basic thread - Hillary Clinton violated the Espionage Act
This thread is the biggie...this is where almost every other thread ties into the puzzleHillary Clinton used the office of Secretary of State to enrich herself via pay for play schemes selling American influence/assets
The Deep State (DOJ/FBI) coverup of the above
The Russian collusion "insurance" story
The spying on Trump post-election [Edit- Added 1/26]
Media/Deep State/DNC alliance
Staring with the Wikileaks exposure of the DNC and Podesta emailsThe "incompetence" of the FBI in retaining evidence
Mueller's conflict of interest issues; both his own and of his staff
The Resistance, acts of sedition; this includes judges acting outside their office and outside Constitutional foundation in preventing Trump from performing his office.
The illegality of the Corker Deal (providing Iran with nuclear weapons)
Other deals the Obama Administration made with Iran and other Islamic extremist groups
The Deep State running cover for the Obama-linked criminal acts.
Comey's history of alliance with the Clintons
The nature of the Deep State
Marriages, school ties, revolving jobs in government and banks like HSBCDNC election fraud against Bernie Sanders, and his own possible collusion with that fraud.
The Awan IT scandal
The Left's Long March through our institutions
The murder of Seth Rich
The ever expanding lists of suspicious deaths, disappearances, and murders associated with the Clintons
The Uranium One connection to the Bundy Ranch standoff and the subsequent murder of LaVoy Finicum
- Possible, but no real evidence - The Las Vegas/Mandalay Bay mass murder