It was horrible experience for us.

Dear steemians,

Yesterday, my brother was a candidate in the local election. Govt. forces (police) fired agent of a mayor candidate. In the morning govt. forces allowed us to cast few votes and within 3 hours they allowed government party's selected supporters. International community only knows there is an election but they don't know what happens all day here. My brother was at risk all day and he got 2155 Votes which should be more than it. Here is no justice to be honest. Several times they wanted to kill my brother and when I was moving to each centre. I am sorry for my brother who was really elected councillor but they gave more than 1000 illegal vote with help of police.

When my brother was trying to protest against the unethical activities by opposite candidate, police was preparing their gun to shot my brother. All 15000 Local people know that my brother is the real elected candidate and they should be behind around 1000 votes.

I was too busy the last few days and was moving into our local area carefully. In the above picture, my brother's friend was shot by govt. police when he was bravely protesting illegal votes. He was an agent but police and opposite party supporters were not allowing him to sit in the room. So sorry Bangladesh. It is hard to get justice until we die for freedom. But govt. don't care about blood and death. So we didn't go for fight when police ready to kill us. Fahad (in the above pic) is a close friend of my brother.

We was winner of the election but they changed result even after lots of illegal votes. All of our locality knows the truth. But we are helpless as govt also not legal and they support these criminal work.

Watch the video how they entering in the centre and killing agent of us in our city and why my brother got 2nd position.

and Here is another video how the are giving votes

Who will give the justice ? We are at risk and my family too. I don't know what will happen tomorrow but I am continuing my social activities. They said we lost for 61 votes but we actually won the election and the difference was 200 votes. Everyone knows the truth but govt's police and political party changed the result. Police even asking people to vote for their supported candidates. Sometimes I wish if I could leave the country.

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