Kick Off : Steemit #innervoice contest - Week 1

Dear Steemians……It has been more than 6 months now (joined on oct-2017) and I spent some fabulous time on Steemit. Reading post, interacting with some Great Minds, commenting on some Beautiful Post and drafting own post are some of the best memory I can recall now. Once truly unaware of the block chain, are now a part of Steem Blockchain.

After spending so much time, and gaining some knowledge, I believe it is now time to give something back to the wonderful community. A community, which stands by my side and helped me on my happy Steemit journey.

After digging into different ways and many possibilities and discussing with some great minds on Steemit.…I found an interesting way to say THANK YOU to the community……I am Announcing and Introducing a new hashtag #INNERVOICE to the beautiful Steemit Community.

What would be a better way to give back, by organising a Weekly Contest on #innervoice.


What is innervoice ??

Inner voice is the self-conscience – A moral sense of right and wrong. Many of us does it quite often. “A voice which is not supported by any words, but still many a times made human to listen and to act" .

A voice so powerful that make many individuals to change their attitude towards life or changes their opinion towards situation. Surfing on the internet, I came across, many well said quotes from some well-known personality.

When we listen to the inner voice, our outer life becomes full of peace- Sri Chinmoy

Don’t let the Noise of other people’s opinion drown on your inner voice - Steve Jobs

Every Individual have their own thought process and own understanding. Inner voice helps a soul to put his own opinion and perception towards a situation and condition. Innervoice can be Positive, Neutral or Negative. Inner voice make man to do Self-talk so that the humans can responds to a situation or at any subject.

My contest #innervoice

My contest on the new hashtag #innervoice is to add words to your inner-voice and bring it on Blockchain. Lets put up your own thought and views on the topic or subject whatever your innervice says, make sure not to influence by any others views.

Currently, the topic/subject for the contest will be chosen by me, but any suggestion for coming weeks are most welcome. The topic/subject can be of any field, politics, social, lifestyle humour etc. We are open to make everything count.

The week-long contest starts soon after this post published and ends after 7 days, i.e. post pay-out.

Let start the contest and dig upon your #innervoice on first subject

“Gods Influences on making someone successful"

An interesting topic, but i believe you can come up with some beautiful innervoice write up. You may include any reference, any real life example, any particular incident...anything you want to make the post beautiful.

Note: There is no judge to the contest yet, but there are few name in my consideration. I will assign one depends upon the number of entry.

Contest rules. #innervoice

Let makes the contest a fair play by setting up certain rules. A rule is must to make something success.

  • One user One post.
  • Use #innervoice as first tag to your post.
  • Resteem the post, to make it reach maximum user.
  • You must be my follower to enter the contest.
  • Upvote not mandatory, but if you do so, you will show love towards the contest.
  • Minimum 300 words post maximum there is no limit.
  • Innervoice is about self-conscience, so make an original content, do not spoil it with copy paste content from internet.

Contest Results & Rewards #innervoice

The best way to respect the #innervoice is to award the best write up that comes around. So, my contest #innervoice have some rewards to offer too :

  • The result of the contest will be declared any time after post payout.
  • First Prize 50 % of post SBD pay out
  • Second Prize 30 % post SBD pay out
  • Third Prize 20 % post SBD pay out
  • Every entry will get my 30 % upvote
  • Contribution / Donation for the contest are most welcome. It shows the love towards #innervoice.
  • In case any donation/contribution receives, it will be added further to the post pay-out amount for the week and equally share among the winners.

Useful Contest Takeaway points.

  • As this is my first genuine and full-fledged contest on Steemit, I am donating 5 SBD to #innervoice to begin my first week. Any further contribution will keep adding to it.

  • If anyone like to donate can send me with memo “Towards #innervoice contest -1”

  • Any contribution/donation towards the prize and on the topic/subject will get a special mention on my second week contest post or on the Result declaration post.

So, what are you waiting for??? Make #innervoice a blockchain voice by writing openly on the subject. Do comply with the contest Rules else your entry will be rejected.

Keep Steeming....Steem On !!

My 1000 follower giveaway contest : Contest Link enter and get a chance to win 10 SBD, by writing on Life Lessons Learned from Parents . Show some respect and bring their teaching to Steemit Blockchain.

Have you shown some love to Witness?? Make sure to vote @firepower for all efforts putting in for Indian Community and for #steemit. Also, worth voting for are @enginewitty (#thealliance) , @sircork (#youarehope) who keep helping minnows and do many things for community development.




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