Blue dragonfly. Seven interesting facts.

Today I took a photo of a blue dragonfly. And I want to show them to you. And I will add seven interesting facts about them.

  1. Dragonflies can intercept their prey in the air. They track their prey hovering in the air and noticing all the moving objects. 95% of hunting dragonflies ended successfully.


2.The dragonflies have incredibly sharp jaws. During the hunt, dragonflies catch prey and tear off their wings so that the victim can not fly away.


3.Dragonflies are amazingly flying. The dragonflies have two pairs of wings. Their muscles are arranged in such a way that they allow each wing to move independently of the other, changing angles of inclination or trajectory of movement in the opposite direction in a matter of a fraction of a second.


4.Dragonflies are very hardy. One of the species of dragonflies - Pantala flavescens is the record holder for migration, overcoming the distance of over 6,500 kilometers.


5.The eyes of a dragonfly are a real masterpiece of nature.On the head of the dragonfly is a pair of facetted eyes, consisting of 30,000 structural units. The viewing angle of such eyes is almost 360 degrees. Such sight allows them to be fixed on the prey-midge, even if it is surrounded by other similar insects, as well as to avoid collisions during the pursuit of it.


6.Dragonflies can live two years under water.Dragonflies lay eggs in the water, and when the larvae hatch, they live underwater for up to 2 years. The larvae are adapted to life under water. They feed on a huge number of larvae, tadpoles and fry.


7.Some species of dragonflies lay eggs in salt water. Few insects may live in the ocean. But dragonflies are an exception. They successfully lay the larvae in the sea water.


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