How to deal with your Insecurities.

People often judge a person through physical appearance, and the way they handle themselves is a part of the criteria. More often than not, with our natural instinct as a human, we are all afraid to be judged. Then you try to look at the mirror to figure out what is that problem in you: Flat nose, pimples, blackheads, dark skin complexion, being overweight and... okey, let's include the universal problem, "money". Then a question was fabricated in the innermost corner of your ego, "Why am I like this?, if only I have that, if only I have those, if only I am like them." With this, obviously, you are insecure. According to the Canadian Intermediate Dictionary, insecurity is the act of being unconfident; not sure of oneself; feeling of fear and anxiety.

When worse comes to worst, you will blame no one but your genes, sometimes your parents. My friend, that is not their mistake or even your fault. I come to realize how confidence played an important role in our part being a person, and because of which I want to share with you these useful tips on how to get out from gigantic tail of insecurities.

Recognize your Insecurities

Talk about it with a friend, yet do not refuse to accept compliments gracefully, for this just goes to show how concern your friend is you. Hence, this compliments will only make you a better person. This will make you feel light knowing that there is that someone who is willing to accept you for who you are amidst your weaknesses. And always remember, that whatever happens and whatever will be happening, your family is always there for you. They are your biggest fans so keep smiling.


Bounce back from your mistakes and try to practice positivity, instead of wasting your time thinking about what you have lost and what you have done, why not identify your success and be proud of those. Remember, not everyone can make it like what you have done.

Be Thankful

Be thankful for what you have. Maybe you don't have much money, you don't have the great appearance being a human, then who cares? As long as you have your loved ones, you are happy, who cares.


Stick to your principles and stand by these. You are who you are and no one can take that from you. You can do what ever you want and can do whatever makes you happy. That is life; live it!

Perfectly Imperfect

Avoid perfectionism and believe that you are fantastic in every way. Always face life with confidence and courage. Remember that we are equipped by different guts and we are great in our ways. Neglect negativity my dear friend, as long as you have your heart beating strong, as long as you have your nostrils working fine, as long as the blood in your veins are still flowing active, you will breathe, you will live, and you will be at your best.

Let it be

Live by this cliche "We are all beautiful except in the eyes of those who are insecure". Be glad if someone is wasting their time in putting you down because this simply mean you are above them. Perhaps that particular place is where they are meant to be, always behind you. So cheer-up! Because insecurities reign in an ugly face, of an empty brain. And we both know that you are not one. Smile. Live life to the fullest.

This is @babybear saying "Reality bites, it hurts and is hard to handle.". And I would like to congratulate myself, from a probationary level, I am now a Sector Head of our department. THANK GOD!

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