[INTERACTIVE INSPIRATION EXPERIMENT] Could You Feel Better In Two Minutes? Find Out Now!

What you are about to read is an interactive Steemit post, designed to rapidly shift your emotional state within 2 minutes of reading.

Can I borrow your focus for just two minutes?

Whether you're feeling great, neutral, or straight up lousy - this quick inspiration experiment is designed to connect you to a better feeling state of being.

We always have a choice to feel how we want to feel, but we don't always know HOW to do that in the moment.

This short sequence of questions will guide you through that process in a quick and easy way.

For those who follow the five steps and share their experiences below, I will immediately upvote as a token of appreciation for taking the time to improve yourself!

Will you give it a shot?

Great! Read the quick guidelines below then follow the video or text sequence!

Let's do it!



  1. There are five steps to complete this interactive sequence. Follow each step in the order it was presented.
  2. You will be asked questions: pay attention to the first and immediate thoughts and/or mental movies/images that come up for you.
  3. Immerse yourself within your inner experiences. Allow yourself to go there fully and completely.



Step 1: How Do You Want To Feel Right Now?

The easiest way to determine how you want to feel is by observing how you are feeling right now.

If what you are feeling is NOT what you want to feel, choose a feeling that would counter that!

For instance, I'm feeling a sense of unworthiness, so in my video example I chose to experience worthiness.

You may know what you don't want to feel - but what emotion would you prefer to feel right now?

Do you have an emotion? Great, continue to step 2!


Step 2: Access A Memory That Embodies This Emotion

Now, with that emotion you want to feel in mind, think about a time when you experienced this emotion?

What was a time that you thought, felt, talked, or behaved in a way that really embodied this emotion?

As you access this memory, what did you see? What did you feel? What did you hear?

Did you taste anything at the time? Or smell anything in particular?

Tune into these aspects as much as possible.

As you do, move to step 3.


Step 3: Access Your Imagination

What would it be like if you could experience this emotion as an everyday resource?

What would things look like, sound like, and feel like if you fully and completely stepped into this emotional state?

Allow yourself to go there fully and completely.

What is that like?

When you feel like you've really imagined what that would feel like, head to step 4.


Step 4: Express The Emotion Through Your Body

Now stand up right now.

Real quickly, just stand on your two feet, it's really important!

In order to integrate this emotion in your body, we're going to let our body move with it.

When you think of this emotion, let your body move as though you really feel it.

In example...

...if I'm truly feeling worthy I might clasp my hands over my chest.
...if I'm feeling excited I might jump in the air and yell "yes!"
...if I'm happy I might raise my hands in the air and make a big smile.

Do some physical movement that really emobidies the emotion you want to feel.

Once you do, you have finished!


Step 5: How Do You Feel?

Congrats! You have completed this interactive inspiration experiment.


Do you feel any differently right now?

Notice that change.

Do you feel better? Do you feel worse? Do you feel the same?

Share in the comments below what your experience was!

Thanks for stopping by! If you found this post valuable, let me know with an upvote!


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