Transformation - My Awakening - EcoTrain

I want to share my transformation, my ‘awakening’ in 2008. But before I do I want to share this very cool one.

Butterflies are known for their ability to transform from a caterpillar into a butterfly. The butterfly has been used in many stories as a metaphor for growth, development and transformation.

But did you know that the dragonfly undergoes an even more spectacular transformation?


The dragonfly spends most of his life under water. Yes that’s right, before a dragonfly actually becomes a dragonfly it’s a nymph. It breathes through the gills in it’s rectum. It can also propel itself like a jet-ski through the water, expelling water through it’s anus.

It’s Wikipedia saying this, not me.

It can take as long as five years before it decides to climb up, out of the water, to turn into a dragonfly.

Why does it decide to emerge from the depths of the water and fly into heaven? Only the nymph knows.

photo: Roderick T on flickr

As a larvae it adapts itself from breathing underwater to a life in the air. It’s old skin dries up and out comes the newborn dragonfly.

From being fast and agile underwater it’s now fast and agile above the water. As above so below.

Now that’s a transformation. Step aside Optimus Prime.


My own transformation or awakening started in 2008. I will not go into any conspiracy theory here but it is safe to say that looking into the attacks on 911 kicked off my awakening.

I started to research everything and found out that nothing is what it seems. And with nothing I really mean nothing. Everything that we have been told is a lie.

A few facts that will make you go hmmm?

  • Most oncologists will not take chemo therapy if they are diagnosed with cancer themselves.

  • Never has a high rise building collapsed from fire. On 911 three buildings came down in free fall speed. One was not hit by a plane.

  • Dentist still use mercury in their fillings while it’s known to be extremely poisonous.

  • Fluor is added to the water because it supposed to be good for your teeth. It’s also sold as rat poison.

  • The only way money is created is out of debt. If all the debt would be repaid there would be no money in circulation.

  • The earth is actually cooling down. We are about to enter the next ice age. The sun drives our climate.

  • According to a FBI crime report nobody was murdered in Newton in 2012. Anybody remember the Sandy Hook shooting?


2008 is also the year that I stopped watching TV. The last time that I saw anything on TV was Holland playing in the Euro soccer championship of 2010. I watched it with some friends in the pub. I cannot even remember if they won or not.

Not being exposed to the lies anymore and starting to see the reality of this world, this society, everything started to make sense now.

I was blind but now I can see.

I realised that I was a slave born in an invisible prison. This realisation set me free.

Nothing changed straight away. I still had my job, my debt, my mortgage. I still paid my taxes and my ‘mandatory’ health insurance. But that didn’t matter anymore. I knew in my heart that I was meant to be free.
This illusionary world was collapsing around me and now I was starting to live my own life.

For a lot of people, a so called awakening can be a traumatic experience. But for me it was a liberation.
All the pieces of the jigsaw were falling into place.

  • I started to understand why almost every nation on this planet has a national debt.

  • I started to understand why they use mercury in our fillings and in our vaccinations as well.

  • I started to understand why there’s constant inflation and what purpose it serves.

The list goes on and on

Now, nine years later, I moved on quite a bit.

I don’t vote anymore. I don’t believe in democracy, it only serves ’them’ in power and never the people. Voting also gives your consent to the system.

I don’t have any type of insurance. It’s a big scam based on fear.

I will never go to a doctor. Except to set a broken bone or when I need some antibiotics. I look at nature and myself to heal me.

I don’t pay any tax. Tax is legalised theft used to fight wars and to pay off artificially created debt designed to channel money from the public into the hands of the banks.

I don’t respect the government. I don’t respect the police. I don’t respect the military. I might respect them as people but not what they represent, maybe they don’t know any better.

I don’t have any debt nor a mortgage anymore. Interest is a weapon used to enslave people.

I only use cash to pay for anything, including my bills. Unfortunately I still have three; water, electricity and the internet.

I already feel free and now I’m on my way to become completely free and independent. In the future I want to be completely off grid. I want to become more self sufficient as well.

It might still be a long time before I realise these goals, money always being the biggest obstacle. But my ‘awakening’ put me on the right path to accomplish my goals in pursuit of happiness.

My ‘awakening’ gave me back my freedom and my joy in live. I invite you to do the same. Shatter these invisible chains. Throw out your television. Pay off your debt. Wake up!

Thanks and much love,



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