Living In the Flow: A Manifesto


I'm not going to push myself.

I'm not going to ask myself to do more than I can easily do.

I'm not going to ask this moment to convince me that everything is going to be OK forever.

I'm just going to look for how right now is OK.

I'm going to see the benefits in where I am now.

There's no rush and I can't do it wrong.

I know that when the timing is ripe and I'm ready for it, I will pick that ripe fruit off the tree and joyfully eat it.

So anything that's not easily unfolding is still in the process of ripening.

It's getting sweeter while I'm growing even more eager; and that is recipe for a fantastic rendezvous.

Why would I strive for faster results when I can make peace with where I am and take the scenic route to where I'm going?

There's no need to rush to eat unripe fruit that will just taste bitter when I get there.

So I might as well just focus on harvesting what's ripe now, while my desires sow the seeds for the harvests yet to come.

Thanks for reading!

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