"Music is moonlight in the gloomy night of life", by Jean Paul. The majority of the world's population listen's to music of all sorts based on their preferences and the benefits they gain from listening to music. I started the SONGSPIRATION series in order to share with you all some life lessons and inspiration that I get from some music that we listen to. That's basically one of the reasons why a song would interest me; that is the lessons the song would lay out.


So for Today, I'd be sharing with you a really great song from decades ago. I'm sure many people have heard it before because it was and is a really great song and was played a lot on radios. I think it was used one time as the soundtrack in a commercial in my Country. Ever heard LEAN ON ME by bill withers play before? That's our song for songspiration today.

LEAN ON ME by Bill withers

Sometimes in our lives we all have pain
We all have sorrow
But if we are wise
We know that there's always tomorrow

"If there's no up's and down's in our life, then it means you're dead", like literally dead. It goes to say that there's going to be those bad days and there's going to be hard time. There are times where we're going to lose so much that we wished to lose our lives. Everyone has had bad moments and painful ones. The intensity differs with person but still pain is pain. However, I'd like you remember that no matter how heavy the rains may fall and no matter how stormy it may be, the sun is still going to shine once more and the storm would calm. A and so before you lose hope, remember that better days are ahead. You never know what tomorrow holds for us.


Please swallow your pride
If I have things you need to borrow
For no one can fill those of your needs
That you won't let show

In our times of troubles and problems, there are always those that avail themselves to be of help to us. They'll extend a helping hand to us not because they have to but because they want to. Anyway no one ever knows how we truly feel or what we're going through and so it becomes our responsibility now to open up and let them know what our problems are. However, If we feel too big to seek help or accept help then we might as well just start counting our days to total damnation.
This is someone had to say here on the subject matter

Sometimes when you’re in a rough patch, you need to get over yourself and accept that to fix your problems, you have to accept that you have issues that can only be remedied by a friend. However, for that friend to help, you need to open yourself to your friend and change.


So just call on me brother, when you need a hand
We all need somebody to lean on
I just might have a problem that you'd understand
We all need somebody to lean on

There's this statement you'd usually hear around; "Treat others as you want to be treated". As humans, it is our societal, human and heavenly responsibility to help our fellow humans in times of need considering our strengths. We are all diversely financial sufficient and so our strengths would differ, but that shouldn't matter or be a factor to consider when offering aid. The little you'd think you're giving would mean so much more to another. So without sticking to the excuse that I'm waiting to have a lot so I can give, let's offer a helping hand unconditionally whenever we're called upon.


There are those who can easily see what your problems are and then offer aid, but the majority of people would only be able to help us when we humble seek help. And as humans we should offer help when we are asked for help


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