We Could All live in Harmony


This post was inspired by a program I watched on discovery family about a Dog Cat And Rat coexisting together, impossible right I said the same thing the first time I say it. Not only they live together the play,sleep together they even climb on each other to walk around. This got me thinking, this are animals who have been known to hate them selves from the beginning of time but gave found a way to settle their differences I believe just to make their master happy or should I say adjusted with the change or new system or you could even say for the sake of peace, I must say it's awesome.
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I hear a lot of people say I cannot live, coexist with this person or the orther saying things like I don't like this person's character,behaviour or attitude. Or you see people keep grudges against some people for ages refusing to let go of that strong hatred. People go as far as to avoid, ignore the other party anytime they are around. Some of us tend to hide this feelings while some just make it so obvious that I don't like you stay away from me. But after watching this program I discovered that theirs nobody you can't happly and peacefully coexist with. Not everyone are meant to go one the same path or have similar like minds but we could still find a way around it to just exist peacefully. The truth is that sometimes we do not even know the person that well but we've painted this impression that the person is a no no for you. One thing I tell people is that you might not know who will be of help to you tomorrow, it might be that guy or girl you dispised in you school days would be in charge of your interview, contract etc .Now just imagine how things would turn out if you guys are at logger head.

Yes it's possible to be at peace with everybody it might be difficult but yes it's possible. The truth is that some people are not meant for each other, but we don't have to fight with them we could Marian a very balance relationship . Their are sure a lot of ways we can one of which is to reduce how much you argue. Arguing too much would only show and express your differences more. Also learn to know people better. How many of us have been in a group that just hate the other group for reasons you don't know why but because you are in the group you create that hatredness. Learn to know the person first before making conclusions. One thing we should know is that we all are created for a purpose to make the world a better place so why don't we do it together. God poured his love on all of us in respective of our gender, status, colour, he loved us all the same then I wonder why we choose who to love since we are God like. We could love everyone coexist and live on peace and harmony.


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