The key of success is failure, how many failure do you need before you can become a successful person?

Do you now Colonel Sanders? Men behind well-known KFC worldwide most famous fried chicken.

Here a little story about him , before he become billionaire.

Chronology of Colonel Sanders

  • At age of 5 his father died.

  • At age of 16 he quit from school

  • At age of 17 he got fired by 4 different kind of jobs.

  • At age of 19 , he got married.
    At between age of 19-22 , he became a train conductor and got fired again , then he apply to be a soldier at February 1907 he was discharged honourably.
    After that he became a lawyer but seems like every jobs just failure to him , his legal career ended when he fighting with his own client.

    • In his age of 19 , his wife give birth to their first child , but everything went horribly bad for him in that moments so his wife left him and take his daughter with her(wife).
    • And then he become a cook and dishwasher at small cafe
    • he even attempt to kidnapping his own child but he failed. But in the end he persuade his wife to come back with him and he did it.
  • Then he retired at age of 65.

  • At first day of his retiring day he only received 106$ ( in cheque) pension money from government.

    • He then try to commit a suicide but he failed for every attempt.
    • then he sat under the tree and lists down everything he want in his life , but instead writing what he want for in his life . He actually wrote about what he has achieved and capable of in his life.
      He knew, he can do something that someone else can't , he have very much knowledge and skill in cooking and baking.
    • so then he cash out 87$ from his cheque and bought few chickens and all the ingredients he needs for his most well-known Kentucky fried chickens , he used his own recipes for this Chrispy fried chickens and sell them from door to door to his neighbour at Kentucky Town .
  • he become very successful person at age of 88 , his brand are very well known worldwide .


It's not too late to rebuild something in your life , but in such golden age you can't look for another experienced. What you have to do is to use your past experiences and use it to build your empire .
Knowledge , skill and experience always useful someday. We never know when it can be useful.

Everything is depend onto yourself , Don't ever give up no matter how hard the challenge you about to face.

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