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I am interviewing Vitalik Buterin tomorrow. I am offering the opportunity for the Steemit community to contribute questions!

Vitalik Buterin is the founder of Ethereum and a god among the crypto community. I am the admin of the Ethereum Facebook group with almost 40,000 users now. I bought into the ICO and have been in contact with Vitalik since before the Genesis block. Tonight I asked him if he would kindly allow me to interview him. I am taking requests for questions from the Steemit community and the most mind blowing questions will be chosen for the interview tomorrow. I am really nervous. There are few people in the world I admire more than this man.

2017-06-16 01_22_53-2e1dee097f671f703d58558027968576 - Windows Photo Viewer.png
Vitalik art provided by Cointelegraph.

Live updated rough draft of interview questions.

1.) A friend who had no previous crypto experience recently bought Ethereum with a credit card for an ERC-20 ICO. What are your thoughts on the explosion of Ethereum's popularity and what is your best guess on the price of 1 Eth in 5 years?

2.) Do you foresee house or car keys ever being stored on the blockchain? Would you be willing to do it and why?

3.) What do you think about artificial intelligence and predictive analytics controlling so many military computer systems and weaponized drones around the globe? Do you think these networked supercomputers will turn against humanity someday? In what year?

4.) Accurate brain computer interfaces are becoming reality. What are your insights into transhumanism and cyborg technology?

5.) What is the best solution for automatic transfer of cryptocurrency wealth when a person dies?

6.) What are your thoughts on upcoming ERC-20 ICO "EOS" which will attempt to eliminate gas through consensus? Do you like the project or see it as a competitor? (Submitted by @RoelandP and @Kryptik)

7.) You were recently given the great honor to have privately spoken with President Vladimir Putin. Will you be working with the Russians in implementing blockchain technology in their country?

8.) What more can you tell us about your conversation with President Vladimir Putin?

9.) What educational advice would you give the kids who wish to become as intelligent as you?

10.) Banksters are already patenting blockchain technologies. Will that interfere with development of Ethereum?

11.) How will Ethereum interact with virtual reality games and where do you see the trend going in the gamification of cryptocurrency rewards.

12.) There is so much energy focused on audio and video technology but seemingly none on smell. Why do you think scent has been so largely ignored in film and other media? Is technology advanced enough to transfer scent through the blockchain?


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