Hello Again Steemit, I'm Back!


I know it's been quite some time since I've posted here. I'm back now, and I want to let you in on the happenings of my life in the past few months.... I thought I would do this as an "introduce yourself" post, because this is the beginning of a new era of my life, so I think it deserves an introduction! I know that I've made promises of article series and then just stopped. For that, you have my sincere apologies. The truth is, my life has taken a turn. I needed some time to recharge from social media and all of its drama and distractions, so that I could deal with my own issues. I had to step away from the digital world for clarity and peace of mind.

I had three different courts dragging on, all at once. My oldest child decided to go live with his father, (that was a roller coaster to get through...) I was caring for my young baby and toddler while struggling with money and facing eviction over obtuse and moronic things. On top of that, I had to learn contract law for my return to work after the baby, while also attempting to start a business from home. I still had a passion and yearning to write, but I was so distracted with everything else going on that I couldn't stay focused and actually finish a piece. I had about a dozen different articles that were half written, as well as at least half a dozen lengthy debates happening on Facebook at any given point in time. I was also reading tarot cards for anyone who needed it, as well as homeschooling the kids. I had several groups created on Facebook that either never picked up or blew up and then suddenly popped.

My attention and energy were so scattered, everything I did was only partial effort and nothing had a chance to properly grow, even though it should have, because I was passionate for it all. Nothing I did reached its full potential; I just had too much happening and got spread too thin.

After spending some time unplugged, I was able to refocus my energy and pinpoint the biggest goal for me and my family... To be free from the rat race. From the city life. From the system entirely.

I absolutely love writing about health and wellness, as well as corruption, to help bring awareness to as many people as possible... But as I've done so, my own world was crumbling to pieces around me. I wasn't leaving the race any time soon in the path I was on. It was perpetual madness!

In the words of Jordan Peterson,
"Before you change the world, clean your room." If you can't keep up on your own little corner of life, your home and family - the only thing that you (almost) have complete control over - how can you expect to keep up on the rest of the world, let alone change it?

So I took some time to "clean my room" (metaphorically speaking). I took care of the courts, settled things with my ex and oldest son, finished my contract law studies, got back to work, and took care of other lingering home issues. With Facebook being gone, and my writing on the back burner, I began to "see the floor of my room"... All that was left was my landlord issues to deal with... But they just never stopped, so we made a plan to be rid of them.

I'm still going to write about health and natural remedies, especially vaccines. I still hold that passion to share the overlooked and ignored information in the health industry. But I'm also going to write about the process of freeing my family from the rat race.

I'll be keeping a journal of our research, thought processes, and steps we take to let go of our "sticks and bricks" home and get on the road in the cheapest and most doable manner. Then it will be about our travels across Canada. Once we're satisfied that we've seen enough, well be looking for a piece of land to settle on, except this time it'll be off the grid and completely self sufficient. That's the plan... And I'm excited to take you all along for the journey!

It's still at the beginning stages of research and planning. Which is great, because you will get to witness the process of converting right from the "I feel trapped and this is impossible" stage!

We will do this.

This is going to happen.

Freedom is in our sights!

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