An Intoduction

So I started here with a post I had already written, but I'm told introductions are a good idea, so lemme introduce myself.

My name is Didi and I've spent most of my adult life on the intersections of culture and technology.

I've been a tech writer and editor, writing for quite a few of Israel's outlets over the years (Walla, Yediot, and Haaretz among them).

I've also been a sff translator and purchasing editor, working with many publishers.

Today, I am still translating and have my own, tiny, crowdfunded sff publishing company, Nova Press. I also occasionally consult on crowdfunding projects.

I am likelier to write about what I like than what I don't, as I like to keep things positive, so I prooooobably won't write about politics. OTOH, sometimes it seems like the entire world has reached BEC status for me, so who knows?

One of my favorite things to do is to recommend stuff. I am likely to write here about sff related things. Books, films, tv, comics. You can definitely expect my Best SFF Novels of 2017 post soonish. I may also write about crowdfunding. I had a column in Haaretz highlighting cool crowdfunding projects for a few years, and it's a topic near and dear to my heart.

So stick around, kids. I hope to make it worthwhile.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column