Big Ben now on #STEEMIT. Happy New year Steemit Community. #IntroduceYourself

Hello beautiful people....or should i say STEEMIANS.

Been hearing a lot about steemit and it's revolutionary content-oriented interaction system. I really love the idea where people have to develop quality content about various aspects of life so as to get more people into the community.

I myself am a big fan of community, having been in the technology space for over 10 years and being part of great communities such as Google, Facebook and Open source communities, i must say, community is truly the best way to bring the world together.

I have helped foster communities such as Google developer group(west-africa), facebook open source community and some of the pictures are below.


I am a web developer by profession, i have worked on several ground breaking projects which have helped bring people together....and made life easier. I work at Elatech Limited, a privately owned software development company in Africa but i do alot of freelancing for US tech companies and in the netherlands.


I must say it has been a very rewarding career so far and i believe many can learn from my story in the coming months.

My brother introduced me and my family members to steemit over the christmas holidays, and i must say, i love the concept.

I do a lot of trading of crypto, holding almost 10 Altcoins in total but since now i haven't really paid any attention to STEEM or STEEM Dollars for that matter.

I do hope this will be a fulfilling journey for me and others as well here on steemit....


Thank you @atare @crystalll for making me a part of this awesome community, let's change the world together.

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