
I'm Denver, ambitious with varying interests. I'm truly myself when outdoors; hiking, boulder-dashing, exploring caves, creeks, stone hunting and scrying. I am an active tribal citizen of the Cherokee Nation as well as a member of my tribes Fish and Wildlife Association and founder of a Missouri Stream Team. I love creatures (humans being my least favorite animal). I have a dog and a cat but in general don't like the idea of pets, owning a living animal just to keep in a glass tank or a wire cage for your occasional entertainment, its just not natural; like people living in close quarter houses and apartments in town. I'm happiest when surrounded by the beauty of nature and interested in the study of plants as medicine (I like plants more than I like people too). I lose a lot of hours wondering down dry creek-beds and through abandoned rock quarries collecting and cleaning specimen. I'm a Paleontology and Geology enthusiast with extensive fossil and mineral collections (I even prefer the company of stones over being around 'the general public'). I like to make stuff with my hands, sculpt clay, wood working, and when I'm in the city... doing politically themed street art. When i can sit still long enough to read, i prefer historical non-fiction and researching things of local interest.


I'm the second generation of city folk in my family, but wish they had just stayed in the boonies. I used to feel constantly anxious, out of place, and generally unhappy and puzzled about the meaning of my life. I felt like i was born in the wrong time period. A few years ago i realized that i had just been born in the wrong place (the city) and into a lifestyle that was unnatural and uncomfortable to me. Perhaps I hadn't evolved at the same pace as these Facebook checking, smart-watch wearing, war loving, postal employees I had been absorbed by. Into my lap fell a little place on the creek, deep in the hills where I've been taming the land and establishing an off-grid homestead. I value traditional knowledge and teachings from my upbringing but think for myself and form my own opinions; i don't believe everything I'm told unless it is the words of a respected elder (gram-muh), and I really admire those qualities in others as well. I'm very patriotic to Missouri and really love the geography of this region. I'm from the Ozarks, but really feel at home in the Mississippi River Valley.


Photos are mine.

I'm somewhat of a history buff and really like traveling to places of ancient historical significance. Most of my life has been dedicated to adventure and exploring, it is my motivation. I want to engage with others who are at the point in their life where they feel compelled to leave the city and live in the beauty of nature. I aspire to live a simple, but engaging and rewarding existence; not as a robot living and working a mechanical life in a metropolis human-farm; but a life as an individual person, a human animal. A species that has almost evolved so far that we are losing the ability to build our own nests, forage and grow our own food and medicinal herbs that are literally surrounding us, and we are forgetting what is sacred. I've seen fantastic things, had incredible experiences, and look forward to sharing them with the Steemit Community; as well as being entertained and learning from you, together we have the opportunity to enrich each-others lives.

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