10 things I didn't tell you yet...

So you are kind of further introducing yourself on Steemit, whenever you post about yourself right? Time for some more about whats been happening in my existence on planet Earth thus far...


1. I once took a 7k bank loan out to cover travelling (and the repayments whilst i was away). The bank asked what the loan was for, housing, transport, debt consolidation, being the main options. I wrote VEHICLE in the 'other' section. Lying on these forms is not a good idea, VEHICLE to me, stood for Very Expensive Holiday In Cambodia Laos Etc.


2. I fractured my skull falling off a bike in Asia, spent 2 weeks in Bangkok General Hospital having electro-therapy on the right side of my face which stopped moving after nerve damage. I have tinnitus these days but am lucky to be here for sure.


3. I jumped out of a plane over a glacer, probably the biggest rush i've experienced. Would i do it again? Probably Not!

4. I've met over a hundred people via an internet chatroom over the past 15 years from the States, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Portugal, and many more. Means i've got a place to stay all over!


5. My name is Asher and I've never met an Asher in person. I'd really like to know another Asher just to find out how this name has served them!

6. I was once told 'YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS CHEATING ON YOU' by my 'cosmic consciousness' so loudly i looked at the door of my room to check someone was not outside. I jokingly sent her a text telling her this, and she later conceded that she received that text whilst in bed with someone else.nofuckingway.gif

7. A few years ago i quit my IT job of 13 years and with a friend, bought a small jewelry shop on the island of Mallorca. A change was desperately needed, this was a big one and the catalyst for my improved state of mind.


8. I once did a bungee off a bridge over a river of ice cold, crystal blue water, perhaps the second biggest rush!

Skip to 20:40 for my turn!

9. I have an 11 year old daughter who lives in the UK. Following a financially consuming and emotionally stressful court case, i don't have rights to have her holiday here with me, and miss her like crazy.


10. Is the date of My Birthday in December, and i shall be 39 years young.IMG_1611.JPG

Life is full of twists and turns, i look back with happiness and forwards with excitement.

Have a great day! Asher
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