This is what you get.

Hello! Hi! Hoy! Hola! こんにちは!

I'm Andrea Diane. A 23 year old Professional Filipina Teacher who is currently residing in one of the most famous cities in the Philippines - Cebu! But, dont get me wrong. I am not originally from this city. In fact, I was born in Manila and was raised in a small peaceful town of Palompon in the island of Leyte. However, there's more to my story. So here it goes.

                                        Growing Up

Like I mentioned, I grew up in a small peaceful town that is surrounded by beautiful beaches for example:

Kalanggaman Island

kalanggaman-island (1).jpg

Can you imagine how dark I was back when I was a child? I was hardly recognized when my friends and I played at night time. Who could resist this beautiful island, right? Everything was just so peaceful and natural that you didn't have to compete with being fair skinned since everybody had the same skin tone probably the same hobbies under the heat of the sun too, so I didn't have a hard time blending in.

Going back . . .

                                 Knitted with Talents

Growing up , with a musically inclined family was when I really realized being an artist was really what I wanted to be when I grew up. My papa is very good in playing the guitar and so does both of my older brothers. My mama is a very good singer - a talent that she got from my grandma. I on the other hand, managed to learn how to play five instruments (not formally tho ) and proud to say that I am blessed with a beautiful voice - I got it from my Momma!
IMG_6654.JPG !
Music is not the only talent the person above has blessed me with but one was also - to write. I didn't realize that writing was in me, until I decided to publish one story I wrote in an online work space for aspiring writers. A lot of people thought what I wrote was good and that it was intended for different age groups - that they thought was brilliant. I haven't stopped writing since. However, most of my compositions are kept for personal reading. However, stories are not the only things that I compose, I too write songs. I've tried selling some and have heard them on the radio several times. But I haven't tried writing songs and singing them at the same time. Writing is something I do to ease a stressful night after work. I don't see myself stopping this addiction too. Wouldn't want to be addicted to something else.

                                   Right now . . .

I have a lot on my plate recently. I am currently working as a Supervisor in a Japanese ESL Online school in the Heart of Cebu. Where I am responsible for training teachers to learn new skills also making sure classes are well prepared for. I was promoted after working as an English teacher for 3 months. I guess being a Leo really does mean ''Confidence shining from your behind '' I don't remember doing anything significant before being promoted, I just liked to help out as much as I can (I was a member of the student council for a very long time, so people service and people management really was what I loved to do). I am very thankful and blessed to have this position too. Since it has given me a lot of opportunities to travel and since I am in a Japanese company - Nihongo training is a must. Yes, I can read write and converse in Japanese! and nope, not a major fan of Anime.


みんなさま、こんにちは!わたしは、アンドレア です。フィリピン から きました。 わたしは、トマスのス-パバイスルです。どうぞよろしくおねがいたします!

Well, I am a very mysterious girl and I like to remain it that way. So I wont be telling you everything about me. lol

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