Greetings from South-Africa

What's up Steemit? My name is Stéan (it's probably not pronounced the way you think it is), I'm a 23 year old 3rd year applications development student from Cape Town South-Africa. I've been doing Java, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, Database design and Oracle PL/SQL while at university. A very good friend of mine introduced me to Steemit a few days ago so I thought I might as well give it a go. Here's a very poorly photoshopped photo of myself and 2 of my buddies (I'm the middle one) inspired by The lonely island's song called "Cool guys don't look at explosions".


Here's some more poorly photoshopped photos of myself which is currently on display on my Tinder. The idea was to incorporate the things I enjoy in life such as pizza and space (It goes without saying that I've been pretty unsuccessful on Tinder).


This was taken at Company's Garden in Cape town. If you visit Cape Town you should definitely go visit there, feeding the squirrels was fun.


Portaying my deep and inspiring thoughts on life.


Besides being really bad at photoshop, I also enjoy riding Enduro in my spare time. Here's a photo from the most recent one I did. I actually almost broke both my legs in that race after hitting a really deep rut. My front wheel got stuck in the rut as I entered it, throwing me over the handlebars and causing me to do a frontflip and ended up in a 1/2 meter of mudd where I almost drowned as well.


Before the incident.


After the incident.

So yeah, I'm not entirely sure in what way I'll be contributing to Steemit but I'm considering writing about some of my adventures, my university experience (which is quite funny considering that they cancelled the degree I applied for on the first day of university and replaced it with a diploma causing my curriculum to change every year for the last 3 years), stories about my 7 pets (4 dogs and 3 cats) , tech tutorials or even just posting more poorly photoshopped photos. Ideas are welcome.

I'm happy to be part of this growing community and I'd like to grow with you guys! (and girls if you wanna be PC).


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