Hello! I'd Like to Introduce Myself Again and Ask You to Please Vote For @fyrst-witness - The Viking Steemit Needs

Today @fyrstikken launched his campaign to become a Steemit witness. You can see his full thread here Frystikken for Witness to Make Steemit Grow and Prosper. In full disclosure, I am working with @fyrstikken on this witness node and helping maintain it.

While I'd like to keep a quasi form of anonymity here it won't be too hard for anyone really looking to connect the dots. If you didn't catch my first #introducemyself post, I'm web developer / internet marketer from Toronto Canada. I'm in my mid thirties and love the downtown city life. But why should I be running a witness node? Well here are few things about me that help qualify me for working with @fyrstikken as a witness administrator.

Linux Experience

I've been working with Linux since the late 90's. While other kids in high school were out getting laid I was with my nerd friends setting up Doom and Quake LANs while installing new distros of linux and discussing hacks. Gentoo will always have a special place in my heart.

Whether as a Desktop GUI or a back end server, I'm a seasoned Linux veteran.

Programming Experience

I was formally educated as computer programmer / system analyst. My career has lead me to specialize in marketing technology. While originally trained in Java, I've spent most of my years working on web applications and PHP. I have been using Steemit as a chance to learn Python and have a few more novelty bots up my sleeve ;)

The existence of the automated @dickbutt system should qualify me on it's own!

Social Media Experience

I have been lucky enough in my professional career to have worked with a couple online social communities that underwent hyper-growth. I bring with me great insights into user acquisition and retention in social media. Steemit appears to be ready to sky rocket in users and I hope I can lobby to help with some simple optimization changes that can enable that.

How You Can Vote

In the top right corner click on those 3 horizontal lines to bring up the menu

Now from the menu click on the 'Witnesses' link

Scroll down to the bottom and type 'fyrst-witness' in the text box and click vote!

Congratulations you've made the right choice!

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