Everyting starts with the Mind - We are the Ones we were waiting for!

Hi Steemit,

After 3 months of blogging I think it’s really time to introduce myself.
Even though, I don’t know where to begin, let’s see how this starts and where it ends.

(This is with my best friend, Alim, the day we met again, when Ia came to Cameroon for my 2nd time)

My name is Holger Markgraf. I am 36 years old and just now I have the best time in my life, because I think one should always have the best time in one’s life at every moment. I am trying to live in the now, the present and not to hang with my thoughts in the past or in the future. That’s a lesson Eckhart Tolle taught me.

Recently I got separated from my wife and my kids, and I accepted it as part of my journey, or part of our journey, because my wife needed that time to tidy up things, to clear up her thoughts and emotions, and to find her way in this chaotic world.
But good news first: I’ve been falling in love once again! With my wife! We had a date a couple of days ago and now we’re like little lovebirds, trying to spend every minute we have together and together with the kids of course. On Sunday we decided to live together again and to share our love for each other and for the things we love once more.

We’ve got two lovely children (6 and 2 years old) and we’re living in Germany in the beautiful Rhine valley between Wiesbaden and Rüdesheim.

Autumn is falling in and you may have noticed my love for the transformational seasons autumn and spring, where all is in flux, the physical world, our bodies live in and the meta-physical world, where our hearts reside and where we sometimes come back to, when we dream, or having some remembrance of the space between space and time, when we were born or when we died, or were simply moving from one transitional state into another.
You see I can get very philosophical, if no one is slowing me down.

Let me tell you about some other things I love too.

I love music. Music was my first love and it will be my last! It can be so emotional and I love to feel that emotion, written into musical notes by the composer and enlivened by the players. There is so much to experience in different kinds of music. There are so many different kinds of music and every genre, every musician, has something to tell. That’s the fascinating part about hearing different styles of music, you always have something new to discover.
I love classical music! My favorites are Mahler, Strauss, Bruckner, Beethoven, Wagner and Puccini. There’re lots of more great composers but these six I can hear over and over again, not feeling bored by their musical style.
Furthermore I do love good ole Classical Rock and some modern things.
This year I discovered Blue Grass and since I played the mandolin for 8 years when I was a child, I am very impressed by Chris Thile, who is an excellent mandolin player.
I also love film music, especially the great scores written by John Williams, James Horner, Alexandre Desplat and many others.

(This is me on the patio of Hairou's house, a good friend of mine in Cameroon)

The world in which we’re living is changing. You all can feel and see that. There is much Crime and many things apparently going wrong. But I think that has all to do with the transformational processes, we as humans are going through. People no longer want to be pissed on and to be mucked about, either by the government, by science, by the church or by industrial lobbyists.

(This is me on my birthday celebration on Mount Cameroon, in 2014)

I want to contribute to a real change in society. I want to help people get the necessary information to change their lives, to transform their birth given potential into something better, actually to get everything they were always longing for.
There is so much you can influence in your own environment in your own life and destiny, if you only have the right puzzle pieces to understand how everything is related to the universe and to our minds. We can pretty much change everything; our long instilled conditioning, ourselves, our environment, with our thought and will power. But we have to learn the skills and practice them.

My life has very much changed this year. I became a blogger, a raw food youtuber, I quit my job at the university, where I was studying and describing an African language in Cameroon, just to go for my own wishes and goals.
At the beginning of 2016 I decided to find my father, whom I never knew and to make contact with him. It took not longer than two hours and I found my Texan family, my father, my half brother, his wife and their children via Internet and Facebook. I wrote to my brother and he was as excited as I was and two weeks later we had our first skype call. A couple of months later, they all came to visit us in Germany. They stayed for a week and we had a great time together. They’re so lovely, kind people and I miss them badly. Next year it is on to us, to visit them in Texas, and we all are really excited and are looking forward for our trip to USA. It’ll be the first time for the kids to be abroad.

This was a very transformational step in my life, to know ones heritage shows me the way, where to go and brings my dreams into reality. Even if there’re always some bricks in the way, I overcome them and thrive forward.

There are so much things to say right now, such as my ambition to become a bestselling writer, a recognized raw food blogger and coach for consciousness. I want bring the knowledge about the cosmic principles, the flower of life and the wisdom that lies therein into the life of every one of you. And of course I want to show you how we can create our world we want to live in. A world of peace, abundance and harmony, where everyone is contributing his own spirit and the things he was born for into the community. UBUNTU Contributionism will help us in creating this world, which may seem to some of you somehow utopian, but it’s not! It’s very real and reachable, only if we stay strong, tight together to run for the same goals.
No one is really happy with the way he lives, with how things are done, with his job, with the rulers’ rules, that no one has accepted, but was born into. Even the riches of the riches are not happy the way they live and when everything in the current system comes to an end, they will have the same status as we have: Humans

So lets do the change. There is no one coming for us to clear the way, we are the ones, we were waiting for!

I hope to see and meet you on the way, and to be of service to anyone who feels the urge, the need for someone who can help him.

(Alim, Laure and me at the airport in Yaoundé on the day I departed in 2014)

Stay Steemed!
In Love, Unity and Abundance

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