Introducing Yourself to the Steemit Community – or Why It Can Sometimes Pay Off to Wait For It

Time to Read: approx. 3 minutes


Hello, to the Steemit Community!

I really wanted to take the coolest picture ever to use as my introduction photo, and was trying to come up with a good idea. As the weeks rolled by I was beginning to feel discouraged. I was reading great content by others on Steemit, but I didn’t feel that I could really join in the group until I had introduced myself.

Finally, it came to me! What could be cooler than a selfie with the solar eclipse?

I wasn’t in the path of totality, but I thought I would be close enough to the path to get a good eclipse photo. Well, they all turned out pretty much like the one above. A big fat FAIL, right? That’s what I was thinking as I scrolled through all my pictures.

Then, as I was looking back through them a second time, hoping beyond all hope that by zooming in on the sun I might find even a single picture that captured the eclipse…something unexpected caught my eye! What the heck was that little spot on my chin? Had I ruined my phone by taking these pictures???


I checked for the same spot in the other pictures…there it was, but not always in the same place! I zoomed in on one…blurry…another…hmmm…something is taking shape here…


Zooming in on the picture posted at the top here…




Bam! Coolness to the max! I caught the reflection of the eclipse in my glasses totally by accident! Here is my Introduce Yourself photo zoomed back out again. There it is, right there on the glasses lens.


My selfie with the 2017 Eclipse!

I’m excited about the Steemit platform, and plan to contribute value to the Steemit community and society at large as a life-time publisher. I was preparing to start a traditional blog just as I discovered Steemit, and have decided to use Steemit rather than my website as my blogging and publishing platform. I am over 50 years old, and have loads of lifetime experiences and adventures to share. I love the idea of a permanent public ledger for recording my writings. The permanence of this record motivates me to be thoughtful, considerate, and responsible with my writing.

I hope this little introduction of mine will entice you to follow me. I value your time, and my posts will always be written with the goal of leaving you, my reader, better off for having given me a few minutes out of your precious day. Thank you to Dan Larimer @dantheman, and all of the other developers of the Steemit platform for creating this fantastic space for human creativity to blossom in.

And thank you in advance to all of my future followers for choosing to do a little of life together!


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