Personal Introduction (very personal)

Hello Steemit Community! I have been on Steemit for less than two weeks and struggling to figure it all out. I decided to jump in and learn by doing. I will give you some background on me so you can see where I would best serve the community. Life is too precious to play small so I am going to be more bold than usual.

My name is Rebecca Hanna, Rebecca Hanna-Diener on official documents. I was born in 1963. My key strengths in K-12 mainstream education were associated with the liberal arts. I was also athletic (a tomboy) and extremely drawn to the whole peace, love and ‘getting back to the garden’ idealism of the 60’s and 70’s. I wrote a letter to the editor of our local newspaper at eight years old asking others kids not to litter. I organized a group of neighborhood children to clean up the vacant lot at the end of our street. The neighborhood association was so impressed, that they took over where we left off and created a park with benches and flower beds that are still maintained to this day. That was 47 years ago. I also took my brownie and girl scout oath very seriously. I was a wee bit nerdy.
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At ten, my mother died (sigh), my father remarried and a few years later divorced. That entailed several moves and great challenges for me (to say the least) during my adolescence and teen years. I was swept up in all the typical American mainstream cultural distractions and trappings like everyone else around me. I stayed busy with school work, athletics, socializing, going to church, making art, listening to my vinyl records and watching TV.

I received a half scholarship and a Pell Grant that allowed me to attend the Maryland Institute College of Art after graduating from High School in1981. During those years I also worked (too many hours) part time, for a large modern grocery store. I was always exhausted. There was little time to rest and enjoy life. I was depressed and did the whole social drinking and casual dating thing, 80’s style. High school did not prepare me for the real world. I was devastated with the state of the world at large and that was before taking the ‘red pill’ many years later.

As a female during that time, my closest relatives were relentlessly stressing the importance of finding Mr. Right. I ended up marrying someone very impulsively at 22 and having two children with him. I love my sons, now 31 and 29 years old, so I don’t regret the marriage, but what a harsh lesson that relationship was. It left me with all kinds of neurosis on top of unprocessed grief from childhood.

My second marriage which is now in it’s 24th year offered more space for deep self healing and spiritual growth. In the early years however, there was constant drama. I was caring for three terminally ill relatives and some other devastating things, I won’t mention publicly, while raising my children, making art and getting involved with metaphysical studies. I also became trained as a wildland fire fighter. It was coping strategy. One of those terminally ill relatives I referred to was my father. He had brain cancer and I became a main caregiver, post surgery, for five years until he couldn’t remember who I was and died. He had a career as a world class fire protection engineer. I only participated in one prescribed forest fire in his honor. I was forty years old at the time. It was the most strenuous and intense activity I have ever endured. I quit immediately afterwards.

Fast Forward. Once the drama subsided, I was able to add a few more certifications and accolades to my artist and metaphysical counseling resumes. I had adopted many new lifestyle changes. I started a small organic vegetable garden, became a vegetarian (now vegan), bought an expensive water filter, became skilled in alternative medicine, had the mercury fillings removed from my teeth, and maintained a chemical free household. And then I took the red pill or I should say it took me. It happened as a gestalt. My first spiritual teacher alluded to some of it when I was 19. It was a gradual connecting of dots and then WHAM! Another story for another time.

Internet research is one thing but one day I discovered that our gas and electric company, BGE, was going to install smart meters on all the houses in our area and it was mandatory! Never in my life had I not been able to boycott or refuse something that was going to be placed on my house. So I did a quick search and found three people in Maryland who were as committed to being as proactive as I was. We formed a grassroots organization called Maryland Smart Meter Awareness. My husband agreed to let me work full time for the goal of winning a ‘smart’ meter opt out option for Maryland utility customers. It was extremely rough going. Our small group used thousands of our own dollars before seeing success from fundraising efforts. We became a 501c3 non-profit and all of those funds went towards ongoing costs to keep the organization afloat and productive. MSMA worked on this for four years without pay. I could right a book! Long story short, we were able to win an opt out option for four different MD utilities but it was bitter sweet because the option came with a monthly charge. It is extortion. To this day I still answer the phone for MSMA and people all over country ask for advice. Many do not have a ‘smart’ meter opt out option and are suffering from negative effects and consequences.

Concurrently my research into all things related to the deep state shenanigans took me very, very deep down the rabbit hole and I became acquainted with some people who were (and are) actively targeted. I myself began to receive an escalating series of threats. That is another story for another time, however it is related to this introduction. While I have Facebook to thank for access to new information and treasured friendships over the years, everyone reading this knows that FB has a dark side. I am fed up with censorship, privacy violations and “FB Jail.” My son encouraged me to get a Steemit account. I am not tech savvy like he is. That is why I am here baring my soul to you all. I have a lot to learn about the ins and outs of Steemit.

Recently I returned to making photo assemblage art full time but I am committed to keeping up with my new Steemit blog and offering whatever kind of posts inspire the community members to pave the way for healthy innovation, creativity and freedom. True Freedom, on all levels, is the goal, is it not?

Examples of recent photo assemblage shadow boxes




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