This is me, please be kind

Ahem. *knock knock*. Is this thing on? Yes? Ahem! Hi!

So I am Ilana. I am 33, my hair is pink, I know three languages, have 4 significant others (yay poliamory) and I write. A lot.

Over the past decade I've been a tech journalist, content marketer, translator, copywriter and poet. Words have always fascinated me, as communication is possibly the one thing that can change people, relationships and the world. Without communication, we'd all fall into a Babel-style chaos.

I write from home. Not by choice, mind you, but because I suffer from chronic pain due to fibromyalgia. It's an invisible illness, so it's often hard for people to understand why I can be miserable even when I smile and laugh. I just refuse to let the pain beat me.

Living with my husband and three cats, I often get asked about children. Well, between the chronic pain and difficulty working, it's close to impossible to raise a child. So we wait. And postpone. And I complain.

What else can I say about myself? Well, I am a mutant (true story!), I suffer from cPTSD and anxiety, I consider myself a gamer and have some really weird and interesting hobbies you might discover if you continue reading my stuff.

I guess that's as much as I am willing to reveal at this point, being unfamiliar with steemit and its community.

So be kind. It's my first time. :)

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