A guide for those who love to discover new cities and countries. Challenge accepted #Introduceyourhometown

The excellent thing invented @pollux.one (to do guide on home city). Just a pity that I have not preserved the pictures (they were left in a broken phone). In the city where I was born, I no longer live. But I'll try post a few photos, to tell You about this wonderful city. And give insider knowhow to!! 😝😘😖


Saratov is among the twenty largest cities of Russia. It was built 427 years ago (!!!). The city is situated on the banks of the Volga ( the river length is 3530 km). Did You know that it is the longest river in Europe and 15th in the world?

And how many fish! When I was little we with parents went fishing on a boat and caught plenty of bream, skimmers, carp. Just like here in the realms of water on Steemit 😄😁😊😃😆😉.

River Cruise ships calling in the port of Saratov.

On the painting by famous seascape painter Ivan Aivazovsky, you can see, what was the Volga in the 19th century. Look at what breadth and what space!

So looks like the center of the city now! A magnificent sight! Did you know that Saratov is a sister city of such well-known cities of America and China, as Dallas (2004) and Taiyuan (1994)? In Saratov there are 15 institutes and numerous colleges, including Seminary.

And it looks the fountain in the city center after reconstruction

In many cities, particularly in Europe, in the city center located the pedestrian area or street with no traffic. In Moscow one of these streets called Arbat. In Saratov also has its own Arbat — Kirov Avenue is called

I can still have a lot to tell about my native city, but do not want to bore you... If you want to know more (write in comments), I will do a separate blog post.

I almost forgot about insider information 😜😋 . 29 Jun near Saratov started the construction of the passenger terminal of the new airport "Central". Passengers, after landing at a new airport, can go directly to the ship and begin river cruise. So, Welcome to visit in Saratov!!!

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