Introduction: Hi, Steemit! I'm a new comer here to share my life and look for new friends./ 大家好,我是Steemit的新人!

Hi, Dear friends. Today, I joined this big family with the strong recommendation of my good friends @mrspointm . Here is a photo of me. !
大家好,在我的好朋友@mrspointm的强烈推荐下, 我加入了steemit 这个大家庭,这是我的一张照片。QQ图片20170908163636.png

Now I'll give you a brief self-introduction. I'm an optimistic and enthusiastic girl, who has a deep love for my family and my life.

I'm working in a senior high school to teach students English, I love my job.

In my spare time, I'm fond of reading all kinds of books, recently ,I'm a fan of Higashino Keigo , his books are so exciting and enlightening.

On weekends, my friends get together to play Majiang, which is so popular in my hometown.It's really funny.
周末的时候,我的朋友们会聚在一起打麻将, 麻将在我的家乡非常流行。真的很有趣。

When long vacations come, I'll travel to different places with my friends to broaden my horizon and enrich my life experience.
Here are some landmarks of different cities that I have travelled to .
当长假来临时, 我会和朋友们去不同的地方旅行,以此拓宽自己的视野,丰富自己的人生经历。以下是我去到不同城市拍的一些地标风景照。QQ图片20170908180647.jpg

In the future, I'll share something interesting with you.

Hope you have a good day!

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