Granted, a confusing vita is confusing me as well

Hi community. I never was forced to write down my vita and so we have gaps here. I don't know. Sorry for these 13 days delay. Afrog is Martin Reisbeck, born on October the 15th 1952 in Hanau, Germany.

I've learned brick layer. After this hard work I've been in the german air force (on bottom only). We observed all Czechian movements in the air by the communication of pilots with their hosts and backwards. This job was located in a tower on a hill, direct at the border called Iron Curtain. Cause this happened in the cold war, you can call me a warrior as well. It was such an easy job – I've lost my tin–hat at the end because I never had to use it at all.

Then I went to school again and get the licence to study when I was 28 years old. I have chosen Biology in the J.W. Goethe university Frankfort on the Main. After the base–study I went on with Anthropology but I stopped it after the 16th semester. My professor, Nikos Xirothiris and me, we where good friends. So he and I we had a lot of fun in his own institute of anthropology in Xanthi, Greece. I helped during an international congress of anthropology and we had exciting field studies in the mountains near the Bulgarian border with the people called Pomacken. Fair, blue eyes and a nearly isolated population, spreadeding across an area over the three borders of Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey. They dont take a notice of borders in these wild mountains. We where invited to tribe meetings and to the residence of the prefect of Komotini as well because the institute was a branch of the Demokrit-University Thrakia, located in Komotini.

But then, there arrived a new professor in Frankfort. The impostor Mr. Reiner Protsch von Zieten. He came from UCLA California. The new shooting star of the whole departement of Anthropology. He kicked out all competitors with his outfit exactly like Indiana Jones and a bigmouth. Ok in short terms, as a friend of his greatest detractor I have had no chance to get my graduation. After years, this bigmouth was unmasked and fired and judged because he sold out a lot of unique ancient sculls and the whole material of Josef Mengele. Mengele has been a member of our institute during the Nazi area. His files has been a shame for the whole university and maybe, the infidelity of this explicit matter from hell was the only good thing what Protsch von Zieten has ever done in his life.

During all these 16 semesters I ride a night–taxi to finance my jolly good studenthood. But suddenly a totally new world was born. A friend of mine got to be the 7th german IBM-dealer and I was totally fascinated of the very first PC. From this point on, I've been a technician, supporter and salesman for IT products. I worked with DOS, suffered under Windows, hardly understood SCO–Unix, supported all office software, Dbase, Autocad, 3D–Studio, architecture– and engeneering–applications. I was in a deep touch with Lotus Domino (now copied by Microsoft, you see it in Win 10 today), OS/2 and a hell of bundles of other software. I was meandering in between the whole IT including Macintosh, had a touch to mainframes and Risc–machines. But I never become a specialist in any special area. I became a very sophisticated generalist. The logical result of this vita was the writing of my very first complex online–help. I wrote it in 2003/2004 for this collaboration-platform, made in Switzerland (based on Microsoft .Net–Technology). Three years before today I landed by Linux, Ubuntu-Studio. Suddenly my personal IT-world have got clear, calm and secure.

I became a chip–dealer during the chip-crisis 1986 and failed bombastic 1995. My life stuck in a temporally fraction. Then I wanted to become a specialist an so I started with webdesign what I do until today, but I'm now an grandfather and like to follow my ever lasted passion only. Writing. Married since 1986. Three own kids plus additional one came in with my beloved wife, the most tough nurse you can ever meet. 2 grandchilds, approx 20 nieces and nephews, seven of them adult kids from one of my beloved sisters, she lived once in New Zealand, and a confusing amount of their kids make my life rich and so funny, I can't describe but I try it always through my writings. Ok, hope I don't bored anybody with a confusing vita. Steem on community.
Now you briefly know, who I am.

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