I'm a Singaporean 31 year-old breakdancer and writer

Yo wassup guys!

My name is Alden Tan and I'm a 31 year-old dude from Singapore. Yes, that's me up there!

Let me just cut to some chases with some neat bullet points rather than a typical paragraph about me...

  • My biggest 'WHY' behind everything I do today is that my dad died when I was 20. He had ALS (horrific disease that is literally a death sentence.) That's him right there! I am the one on the left.
  • I did the whole "quit my job to follow a dream" thing five years ago. I fucking love to write.  Hence, the blog www.Alden-Tan.com. 
  • I write in a very no-bullshit, in-your-face style. And yes, I can be fucking profane. It's just my way of standing out in the self-help world which I think is filled with cliched advice and pretentious 'gurus.' Come on, let's stop meditating for a second and just grab a beer!
  • I am a Bboy (breakdancer.) 

So bam! That's pretty much my life.

It has honestly been a struggle for the past five years. 

Learning how to be an entrepreneur is challenging indeed, but it's also fulfilling and dare I say, spiritual.

I've been scammed before.

I've tried so many things out to make money online, but it just failed miserably.

I've written and gone viral before, but then got frustrated as I wonder why I couldn't reproduce it.

Sometimes, I wonder why the hell I am doing what I am doing. It can be rather demoralizing to watch other people make a ton of money while you aren't, and it's even worse when you feel you're doing the exact same thing as they are.

It's like... why isn't this shit working for me, but for others? Where is that fire I used to feel as a writer?

But it's okay. It's really okay.

One of the biggest lesson learnt for myself is not to chase the money. When you chase, as with most things in life, you're just going to set yourself up for an extremely tiring journey.

I always go back to my 'WHY.' I go back to the love of it all and just try to produce the best fucking art I ever can.

And art comes when I write what I want and dance the way I want.

Writing and Bboying go hand in hand spontaneously in my life.

I don't want to make blatant links back to my blog for now, so check out what I do pretty much every god damn day of my life! Give it a bit of time to load fully please.

The identity as a Bboy that spills over into my life.

Yes, Bboying is my passion. 

No, I am not going to talk about how you should find passion as if it's the magical fart from a unicorn's ass and it'd allow you to "not work a day in your life."

That's a false idea if you ask me.

I do believe however, that passion becomes your identity and as long as you're known for that, you're good.

Take me for example:

Society dictates that as a 31 year-old dude, I should have a stable career, a ton of savings, a car, should be married or start a family soon.

I have none of that.

Heck, most people that in Bboying (they follow the media term 'breakdancing' mostly), one needs to learn the crazy, gratifying moves like spinning on your head.

But nah.

I do what I want. I create my own style on the dance floor. When I have that fucking amazing feeling of hitting my moves on point and flowing with the music, I know it is within me and nothing or no one can ever take that away from me.

Everything I mentioned above? They can come and go anytime.

That's what I think passion is all about: Having it in you and just being you in this short life.

When people identify you as that and simply say, "Hey that's [your name]! He/she does [your passion]!", mission accomplished.

And I try to bring that into my writing today.

No more chasing.

Well, fuck me! I've said so much!

I'm really glad to have found Steemit.

It looks like an amazing platform to share, create and yeah, make some money.

I'm super excited to be here, so thank you for having me.




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