Heard about Steemit and wanted to give it a try

Hi everyone, I am Felicia and I was recently told about a place where I can work on my possible writing career, so here I am Steemit. Lets begin with a little about myself and what you can expect from me. Like I said, I am an inspiring writer and want to get some of my works out to the public. How did I arrive here you ask, well my friend Carla told me about you guys and said this would be a great place to get some feedback on some stories I have in the works. Above in the picture is me and my Awesome friend Carla, she is the one you can thank for bringing you to my attention.

I am currently working on a Story titled "Love Once Forgotten", this story portrays common relationships from beginning to end and the feelings roller coaster a person truly in love feels. I will be posting the full story for you in upcoming blogs, but this gives you an idea of what to look forward to. First I want to finish introducing myself and give you an idea of what kind of girl I am. Yes I am an inspiring writer, but no I am not the closed in bookworm you may think I am.

I love the outdoors, both alone and with my friends. I feel nothing gives you better inspiration than the sights and sounds that nature has to offer. I love going on trips with my friends and just soaking in my surroundings. Here is my friends and I at the river tubing "Cool chick right". I love the water and the way the water makes you feel so alive. I almost lost my phone in this picture and no I don't have one of those fancy waterproof phones. So that is a little intro into who I am, I am looking forward to getting some feedback from you on my works and also reading what you have to write. Well back to bookworm mode, it was nice to meet you all.

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