13 Things to Know About Ambrosial ≧◔◡◔≦ #IntroduceYourself

1st Post? Oh, the pressure! Here goes nothing...

I figured that everyone likes lists, (unless you're on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted...then maybe not so much!), so what better way to introduce myself than give you some random facts?

Without further adieu, and in no particular order, here are 13 things about me to give you a head's up on who the latest Steemer is. Plus, you'll get some insight into what types of posts could be on the horizon, so you can decide early on to hit that follow button. (>‿◠)✌

1. - Yes, I am a real person. Hi y'all! But that's not me. I'm horrible at selfies. So, that's Bear. Isn't he cute?!?!?!


2. - I believe cooking is not just a necessity, it is an art.

Because we all need to eat, but want to eat good.

BTW - did you know April 4th is National Cardon Bleu Day? Yup, and it's also International Carrot Day.

Since I love tigers, here's a carrot being fed to one:

3. I've been divorced twice.

♥ But, I'm a hopeless romantic so am trying again. At love, anyway. ♥

Don't judge.

Here's my partner in crime and I - he took the selfie. Like I said, I suck at 'em!

4. I've been working with essential oils for about a decade, and am finally getting my aromatherapy certification so I have a piece of paper to show I know what I am talking about.

5. I love to cook, but there's something to be said about being able to take shortcuts.

Until you see this.

This is just scary.

It's freaking frosting people!!! WTF do you need to genetically engineer in frosting???? ☹

6. I adore animals.

Right now, we have two dogs, two cats, and three geckos, the latter of which was one of the coolest anniversary gifts ever.

You've already met Bear, but here's a better pic:

His partner in crime, Rook:

My old lady, Tiger Lilly:

And the lil' bit, Gizmo:

They're all adorable. And love each other for the most part.

Except for the geckos. They're a tad anti-social with the other ones.

Probably because they don't want to be a snack. ≧

7. I AM FINALLY A NON-SMOKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All I can say is thank God and the universe and heavens above for vapes and pod systems or I would never have pulled this off.

8. I've been self-employed for almost two decades.

I've written tens of thousands of pages of content for myself and clients over the years.

And did SEO and SMM for many for a few years.

I'm trying to break away from clients and make a go of it with writing. For me. #Dreams

9. My favorite quote is...


I can't stand people that feel sorry for themselves and blame the world and everyone else for their problems.

Buck up and take responsibility for yourself. No one is responsible for your happiness, so own it!

10. I'm a Gemini

No, I am not one of those people that live and die by what the stars say. BUT...

I'm the epitome of this sign.

Introvert/Extrovert; Sweetheart/Bitch; I could go on and on, but you get the idea. I can't even lay my clothes out for the next day because I won't know if it'll be a country girl or biker chick type day. ♫

11. I hate talking on the phone. ☎

Even when I was a kid, I hated talking on the phone. If there is something to say or there are special circumstances, then I'm ok with it. For instance, my daughter is away at college, and she calls me almost daily, sometimes for hours. But I love that. Why? Because we just bullshit and hang out. Throw that puppy on speaker and it's like we are with each other.

But just small talk? UGH! So awkward. Text me. Message me. Email me. Anything but a phone call! ☎

12. I believe more people should learn how to really love others.

How to Love Genuinely Video

If you have a couple minutes to watch that video, you should. Then go hug the one you love. Just because you can.

13. Last but certainly not least, I am a Mom to the most amazing daughter any mother has ever been blessed with in the history of motherhood.


❤ And as you can see, she adores me too ❤


You may notice that the sheet showing I'm real with my username on it is from April 3rd. And the food holiday listed is April 4th.

So why am I just posting this now?

I try to learn absolutely everything I can about something I undertake, which can be crippling.

It can lead to a type of information paralysis that can lead absolutely nowhere because instead of actually doing anything, I just read about it.

And read, and read, and read some more.

And holy shit there is a lot to read about Steemit!

So, now that I am three days late posting this and it's now a week after joining, I'm saying screw it and posting this before another week goes by.

BTW - There are a few people I came across that I'd like to give a shoutout to, because in all my reading, their posts helped me figure out how to do this post.

So thank you to:

@teamsteem Hello Steemit! - Coinmarketcap.com Introduced Me! ☚ Has a template if you're looking for one. I was a rebel and went a different way, but I still got some great tidbits from the post!
@hopehuggs - How To Write an EPIC Introduce Yourself Post
@shayne - Steemit New User Tips: IntroduceYourself/Introduction Post
@bitrocker2020 - How to Write my First STEEMIT Post? INTRODUCEYOURSELF!
@tulipmania - How to Write a High Paying Introduce Yourself Post
@hannahlicious - Steemit How To: Write Your IntroduceYourself AND Steemit How To: Not only SURVIVE But THRIVE on Your First Day!
@omitaylor - Reading her posts was a rabbit hole. She rocks! We seem to be the same age and she is my crypto soul sister. She just doesn't know it yet! ☯
@yallapapi - Everything. Just everything.

I included the links to the posts I learned from in case other people need advice on rocking their #introduceyourself posts like I did. Hope it helps someone ✌


PPS - I really do suck at selfies. ≧

Thank You!

I really do appreciate you taking the time to choose this fish out of the sea. I'm so excited to be here!

I'd love to check you out, too; so if you have any questions or comments, let me know below.

And if you enjoyed it, upvote to let me know or follow me to see what's in store. (>‿◠)✌

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