I'm Anderson, CEO/Co Owner bavelchifx, forex/cryptocurrency trader, an activist and artist. I'm joining #STEEMIT to overturn facebook and twitter, meet amazing people and add value.

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Hello you beautiful human beings, my name is anderson. I trade forex and cryptocurrency , i am Nigerian who is based in Nigeria and 23 years old. Apart from trading forex, i have a passion for art in which i will be sharing my amazing art work here with you guys from time to time.

I decided to become a part of the Steemit Family because for me this platform is a chance to spread my art, knowlegdge about forex, cryptocurrency with a new audience. I hope that some of you will check out my page, follow and take advantage of the knowledge and beautiful work and writing i will be sharing with you.

I am a very open minded person and all i want for a society is love, care and sharing with people who need help and i believe steemit is an amazing place to achieve this. It is our obligation our to leave this planet more beautiful behind as she was when we arrived it. Love and and blessing follow you all who took and time reading this, thanks for your time .

I want to end this introductory post with a quote by Jimi Hendrix, '' when the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace''. Happy new year to everyone of you and remain blessed.

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