Steemit is a wonderful place to be

  This is my first post on steemit. And from the rest of what I am about to type on this page, you will soon realize that this is my first post on any platform in a really long while. This doesn’t stem from any factor other than this inherent lethargy to put my creative juices to any real use.

 As a student deeply entrenched in a mediocre educational system, I have become accustomed to using my mind for the basic process of just doing barely enough to pass. This means I just shun reading for the sake of understanding. This quest for knowledge is now replaced with my fear of failure.

 I claim to be an electrical/electronic engineering major. I have crossed the breadth of the curriculum, from transistor operation to control engineering and microprocessor programming. The honest truth is that I barely understand these things. The worst part is that I can’t seem to reconcile all these with my ultimate purpose. I don’t think this fact makes me lost. One thing I do know for sure is that my college degree will be a framed ornament on my living room wall at best. 

At this point, I shall pull a brake on the self-deprecation and jump ahead to my reasons for joining the steemit community. I learnt about this community and its many benefits from @feekayo. Over the course of this conversation, he told me about the range of topics that are discussed on this platform. Subjects ranging from music and photography to cryptocurrency are main stays on the steemit community. These are fields that I am steadily developing interest in. With exposure to so many people who seem to know so much, I feel that this is the kind of interaction I need to hone in on what my real desires may be. 

I won’t pretend I am not here for the financial rewards as well. Jeez, the payout is huge!

Certainly, this is a shot in the dark. I might end up reaping concrete benefits from joining this community. I may end up being another random individual with no much value to bring to the table. I don’t know which way this arrow points. Only time will tell for sure. One thing I know for sure is that it feels really right being part of such a diverse and well-rounded platform. I sure do hope this is not one of those fleeting feelings (the way you feel the day you get a new gadget). I am glad to be here.

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