About me- Introduce myself to steemit

First for all excuse me for my English, I still learning it, and I need more practice, this is the reason why I’m making this post in English, because I think this is the best practice way. You must know to I love to talk about different themes and preparing you to a long story, with this clarifications here we go.

Hi everybody, my name Yeisberth, but my friends tell me Andy, born in November 1999 and I’m now 18 years old.


I currently.

Actually I’m living in Venezuela, but honestly I hope leave this country soon, because the things are not right here, and here is not future for us the young. If you read global news you know it that. But you know, this writing is not to talk about the situation here, this text is to talk to you about me.

One reason to I want leave this country it’s because to one goals of my life it’s to travel by the world
First reason because I'm making this post is I want you know me, because I think that's to right, second reason is I want practice my English, I have written in English before for my school assignments, and I considered myself good in that, but I think that’s a children plays in comparison to this.

In a moment time I was not secure to this, we can say to I was an inexperienced boy, but one day I was talking with one friend and I said him: I do not know what to do anymore, almost everything I do is wrong, and he says me: Andy what happen with you?? You’re great boy, and you have a grand talent, you need trust in you.

I did not believe in my friend at that time, and I did continue with my negative thoughts, but the life is strange and after a while I had my first job interview, but the interview was very particular, because it was group job interview, I woke up very early and I was excited because it was my first jobs interview but I was scare too, because I imagined a person with a thick voice and a strong character asking me things.



However that did not happen, although when i arrive to that place there was much persons, and after a moment the doors open, and came out one woman, her clothes was formal, and she did says us to enter please. We was go to second floor to the building but the walls was narrow, and the place was little light, in that moment i did think: these people are going to kidnap us, however i did calmed and i continued walking. When we arrived to the room there was not windows, and the scare come back to me; other persons was nervious, but with nerves we did sit down, the woman said us: Wait here while out graduate arrives, and woman did closed the door. The tension was hard, because we were scare, and after moment the door opened and enters a brown woman clothed with the same attire like other woman.

She said: good morning everybody.

We did answer to the same form.

And she continued: Do you think we're going to kidnap it your?

And we said: Yes, we think that you're going kidnap us

She laughed for a few seconds, and said us: Don’t worry I’m not here to kidnap your; in fact I’m here to motivate your. We looked her with a strange face, and she said us: Don’t put strange face, I’m here to that, and she did introduce herself (I don't remember her name but it was nice name). After that she did make us one game for relax us, and after she started to talk us about personal motivation.

It was the first time to I receive personal motivation, well, I received personal motivation before, but this was overwhelming and I was very interested in the subject, because I knew this subject will help me a lot

Before to continue to the story, I want clarify:

When I was a child I was expressive, and creative, but I don’t know what happened. I guess it was the bullying that led me to be a closed person. When was a child I sang, I danced, I drew, I read many books, but when I enter in to adolescence everything changed. I changed music and artists like a shakira, Laura Pausi, Mecano, Mana and others for music and artists of black metal, heavy metal, rock and I changed my personality. Honestly I was a loser jajajajaja. But I learned a lot, because in that moment I was interesting in language English, Japanese, and culture of Asia (I still like the culture of Asia, and after a time I liked other cultures).


Before the black metal. Jajaajaja

Ok let’s go to story

The interview lasted 2 days because it had 2 phases, the first phase was about personal motivation and second phase was about of functioning company. I could not achieve the job, because I was under age. But I learned a lot about personal motivation and that was helping me a lot, because i did found to myself.
Well, a lot of things happened after that before I found myself, but this is a summary.

That job interview was the start to me again, because I came back to sang, and dances, and I discovered other passions.

Well, I think to I’ve talked a lot in this text about me.

In other post I'll count you what is my great inspiration, and things to I like me.

If this publication was to your liking comment that you thought, and thank you so much for you time. See you soon in other post.

Ohhh I almost forgot it, please comment what is your opinion about my English.

¿It’s well, it’s bad or regular?

Bye Bye ♥♥♥♥

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