I am...

I am actually glad that I would have to write something about myself today. Most days I am lost, almost living like a robot. But today I realized who I really am.

I am a mother of 3 wonderful kids and a wife to my handsome and supportive husband. 


They said that as soon as you have kids, your life will take a 360° turn. True enough, when we had our first child 8 years ago, everything my husband and I knew of were put to a test. The husband-wife relationship we had  suddenly became a father-mother relationship to our new child. My husband and I started our family  in a foreign land. We are expats living in the United Arab Emirates, a country so different from Philippines, our home country. Despite the difference, we found a second home in UAE. Abu Dhabi, the city where we are based, is a very family oriented place. There are parks and playgrounds easily accessible in almost every corner of the city. Now, almost 10 years into our married life, our home is filled with giggles, screams and crying of our kids -8, 3 and 1.5 years old. Parenthood is very challenging. It is a daily learning process. Each day I contemplate how to become a better parent so that I can raise these great little human beings that God has entrusted us.


I am a daughter and a sister.

Living here in UAE, I have been away from my parents and sister for the past 12 years. When I left the Philippines, I was an unmarried woman just wanting to try a different thing out. That time, my mom was a government employee. Now, she has retired. ![FB_IMG_1496928710598.jpg](

My sister was still in her primary education then. Now, she is preparing for her university graduation coming up in a few week's time. 


My dad, oh well, I miss him everyday though over the years, he was able to live with us here in Abu Dhabi in two separate instances. The reason was fairy similary though- he came to give my husband and I support when we had our first and second born.


I am a friend.

I have very few friends. I prefer that I keep a few trusted and dependable ones than a  lot of so-called "friends" who always happen to disappear in dire needs.


I used to love to write. However, being a working mom, I had to put my pen aside and concentrate on fulfilling this challenging role. It is really refreshing to be able to speak your mind through all the hussle-bussle of this imperfect life. Steemit will surely become a very good destresser for me ( oh well, if I am even able to have a moment of silence like now tbh) 😂...

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