Hello Steemit 😊 I would like to introduce myself - WHO AM I?

WHO AM I? From a philosophical perspective it is probably the most fatal question which man can place himself as a homo quaerens; it represents an incision into his life, which can lead to countless eschatological questions, but this post is not to go into the depths of a rabbithole. No, it is rather an introduction of ​​my person. Something I owe the Steemit community for a while and what is particularly inspired by the fact that I read the articles of @stellabelle and @sherlockholmes about the fake artists. I just thought: "Now it is really time! Write an introduction post! Do it!"

I am a child of the Eighties

In the early '80s I was born in Tyrol, in Austria, a country in the heart of Europe. So my mothertongue is not english unfortunately… please apologize my lack of english sometimes… However, like most guys of my time, my heroes were He-man, Batman, Marvel superheroes, but also Knight Rider and McGyver. Especially Michael Knight and his special Pontiac Firebird Trans Am had done it to me. So it is still a nice memory for me, as this car was suddenly in my hometown and I could sit in it. That was awesome!

If I think back to my childhood and ask me what I liked to do, then first comes to my mind: LEGO. I've spent hours building things and playing with it; but in general I always loved everything that had to do with creativity. - my real desire was to visit a school in the direction of art, which was not there in my proximity at that time. Further the profession „artist“ was not highly valued in my family .... So I visited two schools for tourism and business… but the wish to be an artist always remained more or less present. The years passed and I got older ...

Art - a constant companion

During my time in the touristic field I always hat the feeling, that something is missing, so I enrolled in the university and studied philosophy, philology and pedagogy. The last mentioned in the direction of psychoanalysis and counseling. While still studying the humanities, I was always attracted to painting. In 2009, I made a short trip to Florence, where I saw an academy that looked more than promising but was far too expensive for me. In order to save the necessary 70K euros, I should have worked more than 10 years. So I let the dream go and I finished my studies with excellent success. After my studies, I worked for a time at a school and the last three years I worked as a consultant in a psychological counseling center for chronicly atticted people. In these years I wasn‘t really happy. The desire to learn the art of painting was constantly coming to my mind.

Because I am very interested in symbolistic art, but also visionary art (alchemy and spirituality have always been very important themes for me), I went to Vienna in 2016, where I attended a workshop with Alex and Allyson Gray. These days in Vienna were great and I decided that I would want to attend this academy, even if I cannot afford the whole education.

I saved as much as I could, and I visited the painting academy in Vienna for about half a year. There I learned not only a few things about painting, but also some incredibly great people; especially my awesome teacher Amanda Sage.

Despite this extraordinary time I still have the desire to learn art of painting on a high level. Therefore my next goal is still Florence, which is why I am saving as much money as possible. That is also the reason why I am investing in cryptos – to reach this goal more quickly.

I know, in order to be an artist, one does not necessarily have to go to a naturalistic painting academy ... there are such things like this here:

But what the fuck ??? - I could sit in front of it for hours and just see bullshit. This is not my world .... I would like to carry something else into the world; something that connects people, something that shows them a desirable goal; something meaningful. Even though I loved to read Friedrich Nietzsche, in the end I am a platonist, a christian, a buddhist, someone who believes in the beautiful, the true and the good; to the spiritual spark in man, to the spiritual energy in all people which is connected. I believe this subject is particularly valuable to me. But until I can transport all this via my paintings in an adequate way, there is still a long way to go ... ** In my Steemit blog I want to share this artistic milestones and developments with you and hope you like them! **

Thanks for your attention and blessings, Martin


For my german friends and followers: Es tut mir leid, dass ich keine adäquate Überesetzung für euch gemacht habe, aber leider hat es mit 2 Säulen feature recht furchtbar ausgeschaut... Ich möchte mich aber hier bei euch allen ebenso kurz vorstellen: Ich bin Martin, 33 Jahre jung, wohne in Innsbruck und mein Blogkanal wird sich hauptsächlich um Kunst und Fotografie drehen. Hoffentlich schaffe ich es bald mal zu einem Meetup nach München oder Wien! Alles Liebe Martin

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