#IntroduceYourself - Howdy! Th' Name's Ashi! ✮

(Hi so I decided to introduce myself in a style similar to the Homestuck comics lol bear with me, it's a little dumb, but I hope it's fun to read :P)
(Context: [Let Me Tell You About Homestuck])


Ashi ==> Make an #IntroduceYourself Post

You tried and failed several times to create a post that adequately portrayed yourself in a good light to any sort of hypothetical invisible audience. In frustration, you shake your computer monitor.

You're really frustrated, because you made a cool(?) picture for one of the previous drafts of your post, but it seems kinda out-of-context, now.

You stare at it blankly.

1 - 1.png

==> Just give the basics, already.

Your name is ASHLEY, but you go by ASHI, because it's short for ASHIDOODLE, and you've gotten used to the nickname.

Your hobbies include DRAWING, ANIMATING, DRAWING, playing VIDEOGAMES, coming up with HIGHLY CONVOLUTED SCHEMES, and DRAWING. You also like making 3D MODELS and trying to PROGRAM WEBSITES, but you get frustrated quickly with those.

You spent basically your entire teenage years learning to DRAW COMICS, so you have a tendency of doing that, even when you really aren't in the mood for it.

You recently completed your THIRD SEMESTER of college, and are now moving to a NEW TOWN. You're really excited about it, because there's a lot more ARTISTIC JOBS in that area. You also hope to start SINGING and having a good EXERCISE ROUTINE once you're there.

You've thought of lots of things you want to do on STEEMIT, but you have a tendency of thinking of TOO MANY things to do, so you bounce between projects, and, when you're lucky, you actually get something done.

However, instead you usually wind up with a million CHARACTER DESIGNS that you'll probably never do anything with. They usually have lots of COOL TATTOOS, usually something with SKULLS, STARS, or STUPIDLY INTRICATE PATTERNS. Also CARGO PANTS. You really truly love CARGO PANTS.

The projects that currently have your attention are mostly ANIMATION-BASED. Such as these:

jump-flip 1 - 5.gif

asriel 1 - 1.gif

asriel and vaati 1 - 3.gif

Characters depicted in the last two animations are Asriel Dreemur from Undertale
and Minish Vaati from The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap.

This actually isn't even your FIRST TIME on STEEMIT.
Your previous handle was @platonicsironic, but you finally decided to make a new account to go with the far superior handle, @ashidoodle.

You really really really like the handle @ashidoodle. You refuse to acknowledge how CHILDISH it might sound, because it's terribly NOSTALGIC to you. It was what you named your CRAFTS BUSINESS back in the 7th GRADE. Most of the websites you're on use that handle.

You also really like how the signature has a STAR-SHAPED A in it. That's really STYLISH, you think. You're glad you finally were able to have a HANDLE that's the same across most of the websites you're on.

You hope to do a better job of managing your account this time, but in truth you'll probably be just as CHAOTICALLY RANDOM as you were the first go-round. But hopefully, you think, your random things are at least of a HIGHER QUALITY, because you won't have to tend to SCHOOL anymore.

You would like to make RANDOM INTERNET PROJECTS your full-time job, and think Steemit could really help with that. You are aware, however, that RANDOMNESS is a bit hard to capitalize on.

So, for now you want to buff up your PORTFOLIO so you can get neat ARTISTIC GIGS. You hope that will make your Steemit posts feel more consistent, but, as previously stated, your CHAOTIC RANDOMNESS can be a bit too much to handle.

Still, you are looking forward to seeing how it goes, and hope others are interested in your CHAOS as well. :')

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