Let's do a proper introduction for Meg! EVERYBODY GIVE @IndicaQueen A WARM WELCOME!!!

This is Meg, I'm not sure what her username could possibly refer to but she 'aight.

Meg ( @IndicaQueen ) took my advice a little too literally when she first joined Steemit and decided to go FULL COKE MODE with her posts. I'm impressed with the amount she has written already, but she's cooled it down now to a steady stream thankfully ;)

Anyways, she's a subscriber from my channel and I'm glad I was able to get some people over to Steemit. Unfortunately she missed a few things while doing her own intro post (which can be found at the bottom in the links section), so this is why I've decided to help her out.

Meg's a pretty cool gal who's interested in helping people out (and definitely animals), love, exploring the outdoors and the world and she writes in a variety of niches. I'm sure there's something there for everyone, and she's from Canada so she's pretty polite. I think.

She wanted to start blogging earlier, however her cute little devil kitten bit through her laptop cord. His name is Jax.

Not even kidding about the devil part..

She also has a chill Instagram, which helps with verification, as I know Steemit REALLY does care about that.

So if you're looking for some more Steemians to follow, let's help poor Meg out here. She definitely doesn't do cocaine. That's my job. ;)

Her links


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