Introducing myself to Steemit.

Hi, everybody. I hope all of you are having a great day. I just joined Steemit couple day ago hoping to rebuild a hole which TSU platform left behind. After TSU "unexpected" (many of the users saw it coming) shutdown it took me a while to really find a motivation to join another similar social platform. It really was not an easy decision for me, but the opportunity to reconnect with my TSU friends and create some new amazing friendships surpassed all other reasons why not to join. As I have invested a lot of time building up friendships, and my profile on TSU it felt very disappointing to see it all go in flames. What kind of hurt the most from TSU experience is many users tried to warn the management about the problems platform was having, but were most of the time ridiculed and in a way blacklisted from trying to save the platform they actually loved using. I included.

Well, it is little too harsh to say it all went in flames since I met some amazing people on TSU with who I still keep in touch for a long time after TSU. So let's leave TSU and the past in the past, and create another amazing community of people on Steemit. I am kind of excited about this new opportunity. So to help you get to know me I am gonna write a little bit about myself. 2017-06-15-13-05-49.jpg

My real name is Đuro Bjegovic, and I am from Croatia. The little country of about 4 million citizens located in Europe. I am 29 years young or old as you prefer. I prefer young. Yeah, let's stick with young. As you can see in the above picture my profession is basketball. Maybe I should say passion better than a profession. It has been a big part of my life for more than 20 years now and has been my guide through life. It taught me about discipline, hard work, dedication, teamwork, and many others things I can apply outside the basketball court.

Once great MJ said, "basketball does not build character, it reveals it." I could not agree more GOAT MJ than this saying. It reveals your personality, heart, and soul. You will find out everything about yourself and others in a simple game of basketball. That is why basketball is way more than just bouncing the ball and putting it through the circle thing attached to a backboard.

With basketball, I have traveled around the world and it has enabled me the experience of living in other cultures and learning about them. I have played in Croatia until I turned 18 and after moved on to U.S to play D1 college basketball at Sacramento State University on a full scholarship. At Sacramento, I got my degree in International and Intercultural Communications. After graduation, I still had the urge to keep playing basketball and I decided to go back to Europe and start my professional career. Since then I played pro basketball in Austria, Germany, Croatia, Italy, Morocco, and Slovenia. Where else basketball will take me only time will tell.

I am a very simple guy. Love interesting conversations, and people who know how to argue their sides with insults, or bad behavior. Let's not let our ego's get the best of us. We all make mistakes, and we can all sometimes be proven wrong. Simple healthy conversations which expand our minds is what I love. I am very open minded to all topics. I absolutely love the ocean and anything connected with it. Just give me the beach, ocean, sunsets, nature, and I am a happy man.

One of my favorite movies of all time is Braveheart with Mel Gibson. Freeeedddoooom. lol I listen to all kind of music. I don't have a favorite artist or genre, but rather just listen to songs I like no matter what kind of music it is. I love to help and motivate people to go after their goals in life. On TSU I have been creating original motivational posts to help people get motivated. Which I will be posting here also. An example is under this paragraph. Hopefully, it will get you guys pumped up and motivated for whatever you're chasing in your life. I have recently changed my diet to vegan/vegetarian. I have not gone full vegan yet, but 90% of my diet is vegan. So I will be also posting about my journey to veganism and how it affected my life.

Besides basketball, my other hobbies or interest are fitness(go figure), nutrition, scuba-diving, meditation, yoga, motivational posts, and many other things. All my work will be as original as possible and hopefully, will catch the interest of you guys. I have not decided what I will be writing about on Steemit, or did I specialize my profile for one topic jet. There are so many interesting things to write about that it would hard to focus on just one topic. So, for now, I will be writing about things which interest me and have passion writing about.

Anyway guys, in short, this is a little bit about me, and what you can expect from my posts. I am looking forward to creating new friendships and reconnecting with some of my friends from TSU. Hopefully, this post will help you get to know me a little better, and give you an idea who I am. See you in the comment section. :) 2017-06-01-21-42-55.jpg

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