Hiii Steemit!! I Welcome You To My Raw Mind! Verified Intro :D

What's up Steemians!

This is Hannah Priore @awarenessraiser and I would like to briefly introduce myself to you lovely folks :D

It has been an interesting journey I will tell you! I must say that I am a deep thinker and
I love exploring consciousness and why we all are really here.

Let me give you a lil background on me so we can become acquainted!

At the age of 6, adults would always come to me for relationship help at a very young age & I
felt connected to the power within me. I was completely fearless.

However, when 6th-grade came things started to change.
I grew up on the southside of Tucson, AZ. and had to deal with a lot of racism.
My mom had dark skin and my dad was light and the kids were not welcoming of dark skin.
I pretty much dealt with bullying all of the 6th-grade year and had massive depression.
My parents would always argue growing up and I would provide counseling to them at the age of 6.

I then ventured off to becoming "tough" so I wouldn't get bullied anymore and I started
partying and doing drugs and became an alcoholic around 9th grade.
I had intense suicidal thoughts and felt like I didn't belong on Earth
because I never felt like I could relate to earthly functions and I would always look up
at the stars and miss the sky and the world above me.
I would get tattoos because I needed a way to release pain and that was the best way
I knew how at the time so I became addicted to tattoos (luckily my tats mean something.)
I overdosed at least 6 or 7 times. I was a pill popper and one night I popped about 10 pills
and realized that it didn't do anything to me even though the pills were so potent.

It WOKE ME UP and made me realize that I was messing up my body.
I finally started to care.
I literally could hear my liver and body parts telling me to stop destroying myself.

I literally stepped out of the victimhood trap that I had been holding onto for years.

I started becoming Conscious and Aware and I became Obsessed with Learning.

I am obsessed with:

-Subconscious Mind
-Heart Field
-Reprogramming The Brain
-Masculine & Feminine Energy
-Parallel Universes
-Are We All Living In A Dream & Projecting Our Reality Into The Universal Subconscious Mind?

I help others find blockages within their mind and body that is blocking them from being
Fulfilled and truly happy.

I have known millionaires and people that are married and still not happy.
I realized that money and fame does not define a persons fulfillment and happiness.
I decided to utilize my natural gifts and help people unveil the blocks that is sabotaging them.

I used to think that I had to be 100% perfect before I started helping people but I then realized that
no one will ever be 100% perfect and that was a limiting belief I moved past.

We are in such a beautiful time on Earth where the consciousness is shifting and people
are Waking Up to the power that has always been inside them and deprogramming themselves
from the illusions that seem real but are just thoughts that prevent a person from realizing who they truly are.

I am grateful for all the hard times in my past because it has allowed me to Grow through so many random
experiences and that helps me to understand and relate to everyone I come into contact with.

I really believe that Life is about sharing what we have learned through our own journey because
someone else is waiting for our story to help them break through their current circumstances.

I personally feel as if it is selfish to withhold information a person has learned because it is all about
empowering others to realize that if I could come out of it then so can they.

A true leader helps you realize information but points you back to the answers within you at the end of the day.

I believe everyone is perfectly beautiful exactly where they are at in life in this Present Moment.

Another aspect of me is:
-I am an Entrepreneur
-I started off with Network Marketing in 2014
-Ventured off into Internet Marketing

  • I Love Investing into Cryptocurrencies.

I have so much love for how the internet is allowing creators to get paid for doing what they love.

-I have a book coming out soon which will go over me escaping the victimhood trap which will
lead into a series. I have always loved writing since I was a child.
-I work with a group that makes high vibrational jewelry.
-I love making videos and I am taking it more seriously now.
-I have done random acting gigs since I was younger, modeling and also singing.
-I dabble into many different niches.
-My favorite passion out of all is Speaking and I absolutely love being on stage speaking to people.

So I am very excited to be on here and meet all of you lovely people as well as share information with you.

Cheers to Steemit!

Peace, Love & Blessings!

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