Hi Steemit! This Is What Makes Me, This Is What I Live For


I am Abasiono, I found a passion in Capacity Building and I gave in 4 years out of 25 to develop a skill in it. I am a Human Resource Manager resident in Nigeria who aims at spreading his thoughts beyond borders.

Human Resource Management is one great and interesting field that exposes you to a wide range of lifestyle and behavioural patterns. It tells you that though people might outwardly look the same, they're internally wired differently. This is why they act uniquely, this why we get surprised, this is why we don't always get what we expect from others; they might not be what we think about them.

Even when it is a fact that no two persons are ever the same, being human is one common act that connects us all, we are all living but we live differently. These in-built differences has resulted in some sort of conflict (disagreement) that can only be strategically dealt with. These conflicts lead to the need for us Human Resource Managers, who stand to reshape a square peg so it can fit in a round hole. We can surely achieve a wonderful world if only we learn to adjust and cope with others, if only we start seeing them the way they're and if only we know what to expect from them at a point.

Conflict can be functional or dysfunctional. When it's functional, the effect is positive and when it's dysfunctional, the resolution processes (which involves the accommodating, avoiding, compromising, collaborating and forcing approaches), reveal a better way of getting things done, when these resolution process is rightly and strategically chosen and executed. This is why conflict resolution is considered necessary for personal, team and organizational growth

To achieve the primary aim of assessing and evaluating the workforce, HR calls for empathy and sympathy, you need to see yourself in the position of another and do what you would expect to be done to. This is where personality comes in, these attributes can be learnt but it's better when it is default. This is where I found my strength and this is what triggered my decision and choice. But this should not be applicable to HR persons only, rather to every individual that has himself/herself and others to deal with, which we all do.

Steemit is a platform I'm sure will steam up our potentials, spike our intellectual, while adding more value to our economy. I hope to offer and gain as much, I hope to love it a lot more. I don't limit myself to my field alone, I leave no stone unturned. Here, I'll put up whatever will inform you and I, whatever is my thoughts and on anything concerning us. Here, I'll absorb more to build my intellectual, my finance (that should put a smile on a face), my craft, my relationship and above all, my life.

This is me, I'm human, I'm imperfect, I'm correctable, I'm flexible, I can learn, I can teach, I can love, I can live and I'll do them all. I hope to be warmly accepted.

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