Reddit is scary.

I'm a YouTuber who cosplays, livetreams, vlogs and took 10 days gathering up courage to write this. I am probably a victim of my own social awkwardness.

All I remember was back when I was just starting out, I was being very brave and wanting to put myself out there... but the power of words would always make me crawl back in my cave, thus making me avoid online communities in general. I distracted myself from the hate by focusing on building up my channel's branding on my own.


Until one day my friend @shinidanitv encouraged me to look up Steemit. This is an old photo of the very first time we met.

Haha, I think this was also my first cosplay! It was the day I joined my very first competition and surprisingly won a prize.

You can tell by my face above that I've never won anything before. :-)


Wow, digging up these photos as I am writing this, I now realize that a lot has happened that day but I think that is another story entirely.

Okay, okay, back to my story of how I discovered Steemit. I went to the website, very skeptical, yet was pleasantly suprised to see people being friendly....ON THE INTERNET. Is this the real life? ♪ ~ Bohemian Rhapsody.

After 10 days of careful deliberation, I decided to take the plunge and write my very first blog post. For starters, I would like to say hello there! Nice to meet you all. I'm Azethine but you can call me Aze for short. At the moment, I find myself mainly playing video games on my channel.


I'm not good at it, kinda awful actually, which is probably why I get a lot of hate. One thing for sure, at least I'll keep you laughing!

These days I'm mostly into streaming at YouTube Gaming. I can't help but genuinely enjoy playing with those who doesn't have many friends to play with during my livestreams.

I love cosplay! I went as far as flying to a different country for the first time just to be able to meet and cosplay with my online friends. The photo below is taken by Shaun, a great Singaporean photographer.


It was my first time travelling to a different country, and I did it alone, plus stayed at my guildmate's house whom I've never met before. I'm nuts, I know! She's awesome tho, look at how she gallantly held my hand as a cross-dress cosplayer (a.k.a. genderbend). I felt like a real princess!


Did I mention I like cats? I am a slave to my cute cat Windy. As soon as I start talking in my YouTube voice, she will come swooping in between me and my camera. Not gonna lie, my viewers would go crazy!


Nooo, I got carried away with this post, so I will end it here lol. Oh I have also included my Steemit website under about/description of my channel for verification purposes.

Welp, here goes nothing takes a deep breath time to click POST!


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