Hello everyone!! :)

Hello everyone! Since i created my account two days ago i was looking forward to say hello with something special but at the end I decided to just share what I feel because there is nothing more positive than honest speech from your heart :P

So let's get started! I'm 21 years old girl that fell in love with sharing her thoughts and everything that can make people smile at least once through out their days even the hard ones ;) Not with a lot of writing because people with the hard days appreciate their time :) Soo since i don't want to take so much of your priceless time i want to say that i will focus on trying to post things that will help you, make you smile make you interested or curious. I think that we sometimes lack a lot of those. So that would be it for people that want to know what i want to write about, let's take short test ride into very curvy road where i'm gonna tell you more about myself(i hope i can keep it short! :D)

Okay! First of all i wanted to say that i'm maniac of "natural things" what i mean is that i love everything that is healthy, more healthy aaand healthy yes i think i'm addicted with it. It's not like i'm against chemicals if they are working for our good because if i have to i use them. Organic, natural whatever you want to call it is in my heart since i started to pay attention to those things year and half ago. Before that i was smoking, drinking and eating unhealthy like there was no tomorrow( for real). Not paying any attention to my environment or myself. I wonder how many people here went through this huge change that made them turn 180º.(leave a comment or write about it i would love to read it. If you want :D ) My next post will be how i manage to change and what pushed me to do so :)

Beside that i also love to talk to people and exchange ideas and informations on everything from humans to weather, atoms universe or how to spice my lunch :D Basically everything that we both can benefit from! Talking more about my interests would be waste of time because i'm interested in almost everything :P

Beside that i would say that honesty towards myself and others is very important for me, so i'm already warning for that I'M BRUTALLY HONEST! Why? Because i experienced myself that we all can benefit from that, building your ideas, yourself or relationships on lies is like building home on quicksands.

For an entry post that would be it i think :D I will post here quick and simple recipes for healthy food as well guess why? Because i LOVE what's healthy especially food :3 (fruits the most) first_POST.jpg

See you in my next posts!
Stay positive and share it with others around you because true happiness is shared :)

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