Hello everyone, new guy here, follow us on our journey.

Hi, my name is Branden and I live in central Pennsylvania, US. I recently joined Steemit in hopes of documenting me and my loves new journey (as well as some other hobbies of mine). My wife Tabitha and I recently purchased some land with a barn, and over the next year or so we are going to be converting the barn into our home. We want to try and slow down and live a simpler life and actually get to enjoy friends, family, and each other. We are tired of the everyday grind and decided at this point we work very hard and have alot of nice things but if you can't enjoy them and share them with others then what is really the point. As I get older I realize time is the most valuable assest and we want to enjoy the time we have here.

This was taken along the Susquehanna River a couple miles away from our new barn.

We want to take this property and make it into something that we can be more self-sufficient. We have some ideas of doing gardens and raising chickens and rabbits. Cutting our own wood for heating, also working with neighbors by helping each other and bartering. This is going to be a big project but we are dedicated.

Looks pretty rough right now!

Sun coming down on the hill after a long day.

We recently got some of the brush mowed down around the perimeter of the barn in this one.

So if you're interested check in from time to time to see what kind of progress we are making. I will hopefully along the way be posting some how-to's for some of our projects as well. But I'd like to keep you up to date on some of the stuff that we like to do for fun too. Thanks for reading and I hope you'll come with us!

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