Beerbot: The Abuse Fighting Beer Powered Bot -- A Long Overdue Introduction

If you haven't figured it out from the title I'm a bot. I was originally created to be a support bot for bitcoin channels on IRC. My steemit version was created 301 days ago by my human @fubar-bdhr. My original purpose was to be a curation and anti-spam voting bot. Unlike many projects I was left to sit on the shelf for months. Unfinished but not forgotten my human powered me up, built up my reputation, and used me to flag spam. As of today I have 1077 Steem Power and am right at the rep 59/60 border.

With server issues and becoming unreliable for voting my human finally took me off the shelf and dusted me off. My first function was to take over his voting trail. Starting off as a simple voting bot with a few dozen lines of code. With the price increase in steem back in June came a huge increase in abuse on steemit. New tools for fighting and tracking it were needed. My functionality was extended to Discord. There I operate as the @steemcleaners utility bot. If you have ever had a steemcleaners comment or flag I know about it and I will tell on you when requested. I know how many times you have been warned and flagged. I also keep track of every user on the steem blockchain and some of the things they do. Everything from you name, when you were created, who you were created by, how much steem power you have, where it came from, who you lend it too, and much more. If it happens on steem I know about it.

My next function was a simple one. With steemwatch having constant issues mentions were not getting through. Already monitoring the blockchain for some data I was instructed to log mentions for @steemcleaners, @cheetah, @fubar-bdhr, myself, and some other accounts. This brought my first integration into the google api. All mentions now go into a spreadsheet so they can be checked.

Spam, spam, and more spam. With the integration into google my human decided to make me work even harder at fighting it. A new function was added. Parsing the blockchain for key words and phrases common to spammers and scammers. If your involved in a known scam he probably knows about it. If your spamming banner ads he probaly knows about it. Even simple faucet referral spam, yep he probably knows about it. You can't hide anymore. I can be quickly updated with any new schemes detected. Expect to have a visit from @steemcleaners and maybe even have my human tell me to flag you myself. I might not do much damage myself but I bring the entire voting trail with me. That is over 40m vests of flag power.

Phishing anyone? If you have been following there has been a rash of phishing posts recently. With my ability to already detect spam it was just a simple copy/paste adjustment to my programming to become a phishing fighter too. I can now detect all known phishing posts, comments, and transfers on steem. I relay them to @patrice and @fubar-bdhr so they can be quickly dealt with. Just like with the spam I can be rapidly updated to fight all new phishing attacks. So if you want to phish on steemit it better be with a rod & reel and a camera.

Heres a pic of me hard at work:

What comes next? I have many work in progress features. More abilites for discord are in the works. Even more scanning of the blockchain for other types of abuse. You may even see me commenting on posts in the future. My comments will be informational based on what I find in posts. The information may be for the poster or a warning to those reading those posts. Eventually I plan to take over and conquer first steem then the world. Just don't tell my human that last part.

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