The Raw and The Real - showing my Photography on Steemit | Introducing myself and Planning of a Photography Series

Hi out there.

Here are some things about me:

I like photography.

I live in Berlin.

So it is very very likely that you will see some photos from Berlin on my blog.



I came here for photography. I don't mind to get into other topics as well, let's say

  • art

  • poetry

  • illustrations (saw already some great ones)

  • I might gain some knowledge about cryptocurrencies as well.

So, thats what I'm looking for.
If you are interested in these topics I'm looking forward to meet you.

I don't plan to write very much here. But if there is a debate going on, I might like to tell my opinion about it.
Maybe I have a sudden flash of inspiration or I'm chewing on a certain thought and want to have your opinion about it. But as I said - I'm more into looking at images and other forms of art.

Back to photography:
I like the raw, real, true images.

Something which you see out of the corner of your eye.
When you turn around and give a lot of work into it to get the message exactly how you saw it.
But I like also snapshots, not minding if they lack techniques - as long as they tell me a funny, interesting, sad or thoughtful story.
I'm impressed by technically perfect photography but what catches my attention is an inner value.
Depending on my mood I also like arty or manipulated images.

That said, mostly I'm a fan of ordinary images. The ones with no spectacular content which just say: "well, that's how it looks like." "That's how it is."


Sometimes I stumble upon repeating themes. It depends on the surroundings.

When I began to take photos I found two dominating themes which crossed my lens again and again.
All over Berlin you find

a) graffiti
b) construction sites

I never saw so many construction sites before I looked through the lens.


When you see the world through a technical device which gives you artificial images of something real then the way you perceive reality changes. Not only as a viewer of images but also as the producer.

That's what it is about.

Now, I discovered the photo contests on Steemit and found fun in participating.

On my blog, beside taking part in photo contests, I will begin with the graffiti.

And since there are many graffiti sprayers in Berlin, it will be a whole series.
It will be not so much of a sightseeing tour but rather like random moves around the city.


When I look through the photos I become more and more amazed about the different expressions spayed to a wall.
The series will be a visual journey to often overlooked traces, so hang on!

Wherever you are on this planet, have a good time.

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