MY VERY FIRST INTRODUCTORY POST: This is me Ben....... @benchike

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My name is Ben Chike but you can call me BEN. I am from Nigeria. I am in my first semester of senior year in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Federal University of Technology, Owerri. In this Post, I am going to tell you little bit about my background, interests, achievements and my goals.


I was born in Festac Lagos. Festac is located few kilometers south of the city of lagos which is largest city in Nigeria. Lagos is famous for commerce and industries.
My everyday activities included going to school, playing soccer, watching television, and going to Church on Sundays.
I spend my first 16 year of life in lagos and *FCT-Abuja before moving here in Owerri, on September, 2013 when i got admitted into the University. In my first year at the University, I had joined Math club, Robotics club and also enrolled in few honor classes.

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I enjoy playing soccer, currently am in the University soccer team as a goal-keeper . I always enjoyed pencil drawing , in fact to be precise am a visual artist. I decided to become an Electrical Engineer because I have always been fascinated by Electrical/Electronics based technology innovations. A degree in ELectrical Electronics Engineering will enables me to achieve my goals and also gives me an opportunity to make a difference in the community.

I have achieved few goals in life. Some of my achievements are bigger than the others, which has given me greater satisfaction. The top four achievements that gave me the greatest personal satisfaction includes:

  1. Being student of the session in my Physics class in high school
  2. Being the best goal-keeper in high school sports festival
  3. Being the best Pencil Art Student all in high School
  4. Getting my driver's license
    My achievements have helped me to get ahead in life.

I hope to improve in my artistic skills. Few years from now, I want to become a project manager of an Electronics project, and own a personal Art Studio and Gallery, I believe that; my life is all about Arts and Beauty

Thanks Friends am grateful to be a part of Steemit Community.
I won't forget to identify myself as a big fan of GAME OF THRONES coz winter is already here


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